Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hello everybody , wish you a Happy New Year

This year has been a very memorable year for me and my family. We spent the year in Chennai and visited many parts of India and had a great time. Definitely one of the high points for me was the KMC class reunion in August 2009. Just the group photo of our class at MGM was worth the effort. But I hope this would be the start of a live long friendship. Organising reunions every 5 years is probably realistic (in my view) and maybe groups could meet locally every 2 years. Whatever the circumstances maybe; we will meet again.

In the mean time , Happy New Year and hope there is less conflict and more peaceful times in 2010. After all the world has reason to come together- Soccer World Cup is scheduled in June 2010.

Prabhakar Devavaram

PS - I remember a Tamil movie song starring Kamal from the 80s titled- hello everybody, wish you a very happy new year. I don't remember the movie, it was played at almost all of our college parties.

A second full moon in a calendar month is called a blue moon and its expected on this new year's eve in India. Picture from google images.


  1. The movie was Sagalakala Vallavan I think.They used to play that song almost every New Year's day on Doordharshan.

  2. Hello Ramzan
    Wish you a happy birthday.
    Where are u? No news from you.
    Hi friends
    Wish you all a blessed 2010.

  3. hai ramzam, happy birthday how r u its long since u came n our blog soap

  4. Wish you all a happy and prosperous funfilled New Year 2010.


  5. Dear Meenakshi,Premalatha,Prem, Prabhakar,Raji, Raghuram ,Ram

    thank you all for the bday wishes.My day was enriched by your wishes and phone calls.

    And Meenakshi, you are truly one of a kind.Your words were just reflecting who you are

    What the Re-union meant to me:

    Reunited friends
    Rekindled friendships
    Renewed ties
    Recaptured our youth
    Recognized real dedication,compassion and caring amoungst us
    Relit some fires
    Recharged some lives
    Revealed our inner selves
    Reeled in some terrific rappers!

    Here's to a Really Happy and Healthy New year!

    my last blog of 2009


  6. Dear all

    As part of the new year wishes, I received a text from Dr. Nagarajan
    I wish you peace, love, health -Blah, blah and blah. F*** that S***. I wish you all enough sex, alcohol and orgasms. I hope you win the F*****g Lottery!!. Happy holidays and HAPPY NEW YEAR-Happiness Always

    I was so devastated by these comments that I have sent this to all my contacts as New Year Wishes. Oh boy that didnt go down well!!!

    Happy New Year and hope the fun continues.



  7. Hello friends
    Even I recieved Naga's text yesterday. I think Naga sent it under the influence of his vices.


  8. Happy New Year. will keep on blogging.


  9. Prabhakar

    Happy New Year to you. This year can we start a Face book group so that we can communicate more interactively?

    Since you are the wise guy
    You should give this a try
    Since Face book is a lot better
    It will soon become a trend setter
    We can start off with the MD game
    May be we can climb to world fame
    Even if we started late on the pole
    We may finish first on the eighteenth hole.

  10. Wish YOU and YOUR families a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Kannan

  11. About the moon - on 31st December night between 23.32 to 01.20 HRS IST was a lunar eclipse (stars that can be affected include mrihasheersha, thiruvathiray, punarpoosam, swathi and sathayam).

    About the sun - on 15th January between 11.25 to 12.51 HRS IST there will be a solar eclipse (stars that can be affected include karthigai, vuthram, pooradam, vuthradam, thiruvonam)


  12. Raghu

    Face book group is great and many of us are on it already. But my problem with it is that the my spectrum of friends in facebook includes good friends, collegues, teachers etc, so I think of all of them reading comments intended to our group.

  13. Prabhakar

    We can start a group on the face book such as a fan club that will allow only specific people to join. Also there is a privacy facility that we can use to send messages to people we intend to see and not all. Just a thought.



  15. hai ragu,meena,ramzan,kannan,banu.and others i hope u people had fun on new year eve. its nice 2 see the comments pouring into the blog. As to the privacy communication we will miss the comments so let it be as it is .ragu? SOAP

  16. Soap has spoken, so we will leave it as it is!!!!! Otherwise!!!!! I Can see Dead People!!!!!!!


  17. Hello everyone,

    Wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year 2010.


  18. dear makals,
    sori 4 ditching the blog
    n flirting with joy n spirit.
    but new year brought me
    to my chics n guys in blog,
    which i miss most
    since i met at yester!!!!!!!!!!!
    n brings my genius years
    spend with u all rolling down
    my empty brain n inerpt at my tear box.
    let me wish u all sex feel,joy feel
    n spirit feel 2010 year.
    let f***ing sorrow,depression
    n disappointment
    swim down the neighbour drain
    n clog them.
    well rest of my wish
    my gd fren raghu
    have done on my behalf
    without my consent,
    in my deep slumber.
    dai! raghu N S.
    keep blogging
    miss u all
    special thks 2 prabar/prem 4 sms!!!!!!!!!!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. i can c that naga mail s as usual in high spirits hai everybody nice 2 c prabha after so many yrs. thanks banu u r doing a good job yaar, why such a long silence from meenakshi, rams, raghu and others u r the colonials who keep the blog going so reply paos

  21. Hi Soap,
    Looks like you are visiting both our blog sites frequently.
    Prabha with her family visited me end of November 2009. We had a great few hours catching up on stuff.

    How come nobody else is posting pictures on Reminisce 2009 site?


  22. Hi Raji

    Uma(MMC) is desperate to get in touch with you. So am giving her your email add. Just wanted you to know.

    Nice to see you emerge from the underground. Raji, why dont u upload some photos of yourself with your family. Havent seen your daughter, since she was in diapers.

    And, what do u do with a problem called "naga'??
    hope none of the kids are reading the blog anymore.Its been rated "R " for a while now.



  23. hi guys n gals,
    sori if i was offending.
    i dont meant it.
    it was flow words
    with some medical jargons
    which got confused,
    with common english.
    whow,i am at least finaly turn
    dirty n filthered n censored
    so i am even with others.
    sori big bro-sometime my hand turn naughty though my mind is gd.
    i need 2 c psychiatrist 4 split
    what say u???????????
    w.l naga
    sori guys n gals again
    thousand apologyyyyyyyy

  24. hai rams, banu ragu and naga how did pongalgo on regarding uma its long since i spoke 2 her pl. give my mail id dr.rajashree@ its yrs since we met. is prabakar s in town or in usa. hai meenakshi why there is a long silence n ur end hai 2 radha savithri sudha banu and 2 all natives keep n touch paos

  25. hi frens,
    it is quite sad to c dwindling of mail n worried of whither blog.
    but neverthenless,i assume all must be busy with new yr n activities.
    4 me pongal when well but the sweet rice became a porriage.luck was on my side nobody down here knows how the the sweet rice they devour it with reverence!!!!!!!!!!!thank god 4 it.
    well othewise new yr looks going at the pace of hats drop.difficult to catch up
    i'm befuddled what happen to my vocalist like raghu,ramzan,meenackshi(sis in racky) n good fren mathi/prem disapeared in thin air of technological outer space.i cant understand why they languish themselve n become languid in blog participation.
    well guys that is wrote with an ounce of good spirit,after futsal outing.thus no offence n good day

  26. hai naga i think u should improve on ur culiniary skills.nevertheless at least u could make a porridge (kuzhu nalla irundatha) why there is a long silence from all our vocalists i think they are tired after the december music season? how r u keeping the blog going ragu ean silent aga irukirai SOAP
