Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Christmas

For those celebrating Xmas, Happy Christmas to  you.  India is an unique country, there are many things which could divide us- Language, Religion , Caste etc. But still we are able to live together and be inclusive. I know that we have had serious problems, but for the most part we have the freedom  to lead the lives we want to live.

In keeping with that spirit,  the blog will be celebrating all holidays in the coming years. Though I am familiar with most festivals, please remind me when important days come up. And people who follow Jainism, Sikhism, Bahai faith, Buddhism, zoroastrianism and other religions or Atheism, please let us know when important days come up in your spiritual calender.


PS- Picture of the star is from the balcony of our flat in Annanagar.


  1. Dear Prabakar
    Wish you and the following a HAPPY CHRISTMAS!
    Amala Rani, Bindu Saravanan, Damaris, Christina, Grace, Josephine, Kasung, Derena, Philomen, Pravin, Premkumar, Priscilla, Rabecca, Rachulla, Ramkumar, Selvaraj, Sunitha, Vimala, Vinoth, those batchmates who are christians (but I don't know!), those celebrating Christmas and all those who like JESUS!

  2. Dear Friends,
    A Merry Christmas to all of YOU!!

  3. Dear all
    As Ramzan mentioned in the previous picture we had SPM orals and my uncle dropped me for the exam but no exams and we have to wait for holidays to have viva. I still remember BOBO very helpful in dropping me near pondy bazar in his VEERABADRAN(Bajaj M80)with Black flag in the front mudguard to safeguard us from hooligans. Thanks Raj for your timely help.

  4. Thanks friends for the Xmas wishes.Wish you all a blessed,peaceful and a prosperous new year.

  5. To me,the days surrounding Dec 21st,1987 are Black Days because,that is the day my Dad succumbed to a massive MI.
    We had just finished our ENT oral exam and that evening,my Dad suffered a major Heart attack at 7pm and none of the Emergency vehicles were avilable on time that day.
    We lived on Greams lane ,Thousand Lights, just minutes away from Appollo Hospital,where MGR was admitted in a critical condition due to complications from Renal Transplants I guess.Dr.Prathab Reddy Director of Appollo Hospitals, those days, used to be my Dad's personal Cardiologist too.
    Apparently,MGR was in avery serious condition that week and the Prime MInister(Mr.Rajiv Gandhi, I guess) was visiting him at Appollo Hospital that very evening.There was a Bandh in protest of the arriving Prime Minister's visit that day and all the roads leading to Appollo Hospitals were blocked(as you know that is how it works in India,at the inconvenience of the public.)
    So when we were desperately trying to call in an ambulance,or a car or even an auto,none was willing to come in on time. Two of my next door neighbours were Doctors and family friends. I called them and was told by their family they were both full drunk and not in a situation to help that time(honestly,I beleived them!).

    All this while, me and Dr.Sharola , a resident Dr of MMC that time, and a close neighbor and friend of mine, were doing CPR on my Dad, who apparently was my first person to do the CPR on.
    Finally ,Dr.Sharola's Dad (his car gave a starting trouble ) managed to get only an auto and the kind hearted Auto Driver helped us carry my almost collapsed ,unconcious Dad(he used to be quite hefty) and squeeze him into the auto while me and Dr. Sharola continued with the CPR inside the auto.

    We arrived at the Appollo after a half hour delay after onset of symptoms, and at the Hospital, they tried in vain for another half hour.
    So, that ill fated day, my Dad succumbed to a major Ht Attack,our unfortunate family being unable to get timely Emergency Vehicle Help due to our country's stupid system of Bandhs and Road blocks at the pick and pen of the arrival of any VIP.
    I still remember my friends including Prem and Raghu had come to my house to comfort me in my grief.Thanks to all of them.Next Day was our FM oral exam. My Dad's funeral was getting arranged at home and one of my Uncles forcibly took me to the exam.
    A very considerate Professor and external examiner got me through the exams.I was totally dumb founded at the exam and I still remember telling the external examiner that I am blank right now and I don't care if I failed that exam. She told me right away that I scored very good at the theory exam and that I didnt have to worry about the final result. Thanks to the Professors for understanding my situation.Then our Opthal exam got postponed for about 10 days later.Thanks to my friends who helped me brave throu the rest of the exams in my grief.

    Sorry to bring in this gloomy personal story amidst the Merry and Joy of Christmas and the Holidays.My Dad's Anniversay just passed and I thought I'll share my memories with you all.

    Wish you all 'a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2010'

    And then at home, just 3 days after my Dad passed away, on Dec 24th Dr.MGR passed away. Some of the relatives from Kodaikanal, who stayed back in my house kind of pissed me off, constantly watching TV amidst our greiving family,to keep themselves updated of the famous Dr.MGR's funeral procession Saga telecasted live.

  6. sorry, the last paragraph got mixed up I think.

  7. Hi Premalatha

    Yes, I remember that day, you were totally shell shocked understandably. Sharola, is a long time family friend of ours , told me how things had transpired.
    May your dads soul rest in peace and hopefully u have happier memories now


  8. Premalatha,

    I didnt know the whole story. Sorry about your loss, even though it was 1987 , I am sure you think about the events all the time. Hope you and your family have a peaceful 2010.


  9. Dear Premalatha
    Sorry about your loss and thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I also remember our other classmates who lost their parents when they were studying in KMC.
    Best wishes to every one as we move in to a newyear.

  10. Thanks for your comments Ramzan,Prabhakar and Prem.

  11. Dear Premlatha
    I am terribly sorry to hear about your father. Even though it was several years ago,your pain is still very raw . Hope you and your family can forgive our country's numerous foibles
    All the best and a Happy & Prosperous New Year

  12. Thanks and oh yes Meera,we have moved on.
    I do think about the days we spent at Asan Memorial School,Meera, especially all the hit Hindi songs(!!),that they used to play during the lunch hour.
    And not to forget, our trips to Fountain Plaza near our school,after the last day of exam or so.
    By the way how is your Mom? She used to teach at our school isn't it?
    It is the year end and that's why I tend to get all these old memories I think.
    Just a suggestion friends, you too can come out with some old memories-good or bad, sweet or sour- to share with our classmates.
    Any takers?

  13. Renu(Premalatha),I still remember those sorrowful days.I was so much shattered that day as I was also reminded of my dear mom's loss the previous year on Nov 14,1986 just 2 weeks before our university exams.That was our study hols that time.Those days we had the habit of studying at the last moment ie during the study hols and imagine my position.I praise Lord for giving me wonderful friends and I cant forget in my life the way Latha helped me.As I cudn't concentrate in my studies following my mom's sudden demise,(Pulmonary edema following fluid overload while treating for AGE.She was mismanaged by the duty doctor who just gave orders over phone to the staff nurse without seeing the patient.This happened in Kalyani Mission Hospital)my dad sent me to Latha's home till my exams were over.Latha was a great support for me.(Where are you now Latha? I need you now too.Raghu,please convey this to her)By God's grace,I passed in all the papers that time too.Pharm Prof called me after the exams and said that I could have told about the tragedy to the Heads so that they all cud have been considerate towards me.God helped me to pass purely by His Grace.All praises to Him.I lost my dad too within a span of five years from then on.But I'm happy and cheerful because Jesus is my all in all now. I lean on Him for everything now.Let us all count our blessings He has showered upon us all these days until now and praise Him. We are definitely in much a better position than so many in the world.Wish you all a blessed and peaceful New year once again.

  14. Dear Friends
    May God bless you all with a wonderful newyear.
    Priscilla I still remember your state of mind when you attended exams after your mother's death.
    The KMC blog has brought us all together as a family where we are able to share our old memories both sweet and bitter.
    I met Raghu and Latha today as I had to come to Birmingham to leave my mother at airport.

  15. Prisci,those days are still fresh in our minds.Having good friends is many a times a true boon to us.
    True that God is always with us ,that's why we have been able to sail through all the highs and lows in life.
    Happy New Year 2010 to all of you!
    Prem,why isn't Latha coming on board the blogsite?
    En intha vanavaasam??

  16. Those Asan days where good! Especially the songs. My mom is OK. She is also old and is with me .

  17. Hi Premalatha
    I told Latha about your and Priscilla's blog. Probably she is busy with work and family.

  18. hai premalatha,
    i feel so bad that we didn't know anything about that incident.Very much moved by that incident.may your father soul rest in peace.
    Vishwanaath M P

  19. Premalatha and Priscilla,
    I did not know that you both were dealing with such a great loss and were in grief,pain and shock. Our thoughts are with you now. God bless.

    Wish everyone a wonderful ,peaceful and a happy year ahead.


  20. Today(Dec.30) is the birthday of a dear friend.

    Smart,funny, intelligent,lively,pretty,caring..,
    ( Could go on, don't want her head to hurt..)
    Yes ,it is Ramzan's birthday.
    Happy birthday ,Ramzan . Wish you all the very best and more.


  21. Hi Ramzan,

    Happy Birthday to you. All the best for the New year too.

  22. Happy Birthday Ramzan.

  23. Belated happy birthday Ramzan.


  24. Just to add... my mom died on my hand during 1997; when there was a heavy down pour of rain at night, while I was 3km away at my clinic from my rural native place Srivilliputhur, after me rushing to my home in my scooter all drenched, after a carpenter messanger (my father was a timber merchant) cycling all the way fully drenched in the rain just to inform me that my mom was serious with chest pains, the only phone was dead due to rain and couldn't contact the other doctors in town, managed the situation all by myself, with utter confusion due to emotion, since she was there waiting for my arrival holding her life for more than a hour or so, started a slow IV line while the pulse and bp were ?, all because she had some loose stools also, while she was pleading to me to give her some sedation which would make her feel better (she had such similar previous episodes and was advised to go for angio and knew to take SL ISDN which at the last moment failed), which I hesitated since the only amp of diazepam I had was expired, there was no Fortwin, dopamine and bolus of lasix at the drug store, by the time I was rushing between my home and drug store pulmonary edema was set, IC adrenaline and manual respiration were waste and I lost her... this after graduation... after more than 7 years of experience... I utterly remembered latter in vain, the discussion I used to have with Pratap Reddy (our class mate) about the first drug of choice during a heart attack...

    The very next day I saved a child who jumped into a well for bathing and got drowned, brought to me with pulse and bp ? relieved by IV diazepam alone since the guess of mine as to an injury to the testes was correct;

    May be I could have had my mother now if I could have heard your earlier experiences...


  25. Dear Kannan
    I feel really sorry for your mother's loss. My best suggestion for this is avaliablity of trained paramedics in ambulances free of cost paid by the government. If it can happen from Imayam mudal kumari varai we can save millions of life. Can it happen?

  26. Dear Ravi,
    Thanks. What I meant was, my bad luck was the result of diminished interaction among us by me; diminished interaction among medicos in general; diminished interaction especially with individual medical experiences; my negligence in terms of not making a sincere effort in seeking to get such experience if not by me but from others... can not go without repenting.
