Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Front Page

Dr Sankarabarathi operated on a 7 month old  suffering from a rare condition called Nesidioblastosis. An article with Sankarabarathi's  photo and his accomplishment appeared in The Hindu on Sept 27th. This condition is rare cause of persistent hyperinsulinemic  hypoglycemic in infancy. These patients require continuous feeding/glucose supplementation, even  during sleep.

A subtotal pancreatectomy ,  95% of the pancreas was surgically removed by Sankarabarathi's team. Patient continues to do well. 

If others have any accomplishment the would like to share, you can email it to me.



  1. Congratulations, SB!


  2. Well done Sankarabarathi!

  3. By the way,thank you so much Banu, for taking all the time to post the past and present pictures.Job well done.

  4. Thanks a lot Prema.
    (1)I digitized our past pictures from our '89 year book (2)I took some old and new pictures from Priscilla's CD (3)I took some from my own collection of the reunion photos (4)I edited them with microsoft photo editor (5)My 12 year old son Ashwin converted all these pictures into much smaller files that could be posted, viewed and down loaded easily (6)I alphabatized, organized and uploaded them to our site.

    Every time we did this, my son would ask me if any body commented anything on the pictures. Finally, yesterday, when he completed the last set of pictures for me (which I haven't uploaded yet), he said, "you are just wasting away your time mommy...no one really cares about these photos....because if they did, they would have made some comments by now".

    I am so glad I have something to show him now!!

    BTW folks, if anyone does not like his/her present picture (I can't do anything about the past picture), please send me a different one, and, I would be happy to edit the pages and replace them.


  5. Banu, I didn't know that your son was doing the file compression. Well, Ashwin, excellent job, young man. And yes, we all saw the pictures, but were too busy exchanging our views on the charitable work to leave any comments on that blogspot.


  6. Special thanks to Ashwin!
    You have done a wonderful job Ashwin, like a feather on the crown.Honestly Banu, I was just waiting for you to post all the pictures before posting a comment !
    Some of our kids can be at times of immense help to us with their tech skills to fill up our gaps. Hats off Ashwin!!Thank you so much on behalf of all our batchmates.

  7. Dear Barathi
    Excellent! welldone, you are keeping our batch name high. Pleased to see your picture in the newspaper.

  8. Sankarabharathi

    I applaud you and your team for the life saving procedure ! Nothing more gratifying than saving the most precious of lives.

    Banu, thank you and your son for the photos, no doubt u have put in a lot of effort.
    Who do u think has changed the most and who the least?
    And please do tell- who was Zen Pen?


  9. Congratulations Bharathi....

  10. Congratulations Sankara Bharathi.
    A rare condition, glad the child is doing well.
    It is a privilege to be a part of that team that made a difference.

    Banu, please say a big THANK YOU to Ashwin from all of us. Great job, Ashwin.
    The effort and time that you put in compiling the phone numbers and email ids is much appreciated by all of us. That is the "go to" source for us , the connecting thread.


  11. congratulations Sankarabarathi,
    Pleased to see your pic in the papers. keep up the good work!

    A big thanks from all of us to you and Ashwin for the pictures. you have really taken lot of effort to compile this for us. we do appreciate it though some of us may not articulate it.Thanks once again. it will definitely be treasured.


  12. Thanks Ashwin and Banu for comparing the present to the past
    Make the most of it since the present aint gonna last
    When our memory fades from us very fast
    Old age does come down upon us in a blast

    Bharathi has really performed a noble deed
    Keeping a young one alive is splendid indeed
    Or else the child would ever remain desperate for the feed
    Even Madhavaram Milk factory wouldn’t be able to satisfy its need

    I and Naga excel at the end of life care
    When people are weak and frail, their treatment isn’t very fair
    Is euthanasia an option, many wouldn’t dare
    When treatment is futile, keeping them alive is a nightmare

    Keep the blog going guys!!!!

  13. Raghu U really are a Funny Dude
    You come right out and lighten the mood
    Keeping the blog alive is becoming a task
    Cant do nothing about blogophobes ,hiding behind a mask!

    I remember is was so fun before the Re-U
    Now those faithful bloggers are just a few
    Praying and hoping everyone contribute
    But far too many are chosing to remain mute

    It seems like no one has the time of day
    To add to the blog what they really have to say
    Thank U Prabhack for doing your best
    I'm hanging up my blog shoes and giving it a rest


  14. No, no, no.. Ramzan ,you CAN'T rest...
    you rest, we RUST.

    Phew! there you are, Raghu, thank u.
    remember the blog of pre re-U ?

    It was so light and all the friendly fights
    has H1N1 knocked the living day lights?

    Have Pro bono Banu & perky,funny Kalyanny,
    need Swamiji & cosmic/comic energy.

    Praback, Ramzi says it's a sur"PRIZE"
    To the occasion , let's all rise.


    P.s: darn it, Ramzan, you made me write in rhyming words.

  15. Hi Ramzan and Meenakshi,

    I think most people read without commenting. Over time will be blogging infrequently but thanks for the interest. We will be collecting money for the charitable part soon and hoping for lots of interest in that endeavour.


  16. Ramzan

    Hanging your shoes and resting is not an option
    We wouldn’t hesitate to use your shoe strings as a contraption
    Swirl it around the neck and hang it on a tree
    If you survive get yourselves free

    Some save lives, some work on releasing the soul
    Playing with peoples’ lives has become our common goal
    Laughter is the best medicine, you should know better
    I always thought you were a trend setter
    Don’t back off, come back now
    If you don’t we will bring you back somehow.

    It takes two hands to get it to clap
    If you don’t come back, Meenakshi will give you a slap
    Now that you have made Meenakshi to rap
    Let’s all blog and cut out the c**p

  17. No, Ramzan, Resting is NOT an option. Look what the blogspot has done to all of us:
    It has brought out the leader in Prabhakar, the rapper in Raghu, the comedian in you & Meenakshi, the excel specialist in Banu, the swamiji in Naga, the motivational speaker in Kumaran, the philosopher in Kannan,the writer in Premalatha & a bunch of YES(wo)men in people like myself!! You cannot rest your blogshoes now for it will become just a notice board like Swamiji predicted not too long ago. Agreed that we miss the interactive pre reunion discussions contributed by RKR, Mathi, Vinodh, Rasputin, et al.,But let us keep the bolgspot alive, by discussing something even if it is as trivial as Obama winning the Nobel peace prize!!!!


  18. So true...Kalyani.
    These blog sites are bringing out the best in every one of us! It is so much fun sharing thoughts and discussing all kinds of stuff.

    Raghu..your writing skills are simply amazing.
    Such fluency...free flow...fantastic!

    Ramzan...we need your wit to brighten up the blogosphere! Don't ever quit.

    Meenakshi..bring it on girl...your masala is spicy.

    Those of you who just follow the blogs and don't post comments: Please take the time to do so...and share the fun with us.


  19. Sankara Barathi!

    Subramanya Barathi lived only for 30+ years.
    He infused more years of independence to come like the compressed 'connecting thread' files of Aswin, to us!

    Sankara Barathi, now, you had decompressed the compressed life of a child by an operation of uniqueness!

    Dear Aswin, do you know the meaning of Aswin? They are the doctors of 'Devas'! They are the 'Lord of Medicine'! Sure, there is a link in you doing it for us! Don't be so disheartedned! We have to wait till God has the thread connecting to the meanings!

    May God bless YOU in all YOUR endevour!


    Kannan (?!The philosopher?!)

  20. Congrats Shakara Bharathi. Well done.

    Good work by Banu & Ashwin.

