Sunday, October 11, 2009

From The Annals of Improbable Research

Though most of you  look forward to the Nobel prize awards, I follow the Ig Nobel Awards which is given out a week before the  Nobel prize announcements. The Ig Nobel awards is an annual exercise in irreverence that celebrates research that " cannot, or  should not , be repeated". These are given to scientists whose results first make people laugh, and then make them think.

The event took place in early October, at Harvard University in Cambridge,US  and was hosted by the Harvard based journal -Annals of Improbable Research. This year ceremony was covered by most newspapers , even The Hindu and Indian Express.

Presenting the winners;

1) Veterinary Medicine Prize - Catherine Douglas at Newcastle University School of Agriculture for the groundbreaking discovery that giving cow's names such as Daisy increases their milk yield.

2) Peace prize- Awarded for research on whether it is better to be smashed over the head with a full beer bottle or an empty one. Bolliger at Univ of Bern, Switzerland  accepted the prize for "Empty beer bottles are sturdier than full ones". However the reseachers conceded that the both full and empty bottles are theoretically capable of fracturing the human neurocranium.

3) Public health Prize- Awarded to Bodnar of Illinois, US for patenting a bra that, in an emergency , can be converted into a pair of gas masks, one for the owner and one for a needy passerby.

4) Medicine Prize- Donald Unger  a physician in California, US  who cracked the knuckles of his left hand  but never those of his right( Control), every day for 60 years to investigate whether it caused arthritis. Dr Unger, now 83 years reported that there's not the slightest sign of arthritis in his left hand.

5) Biology Prize -  Fumiaki Taguchi et al from Kitasato Univ Graduate school of medical sciences , Japan demonstrated that kitchen waste can be reduced by more than 90% by using bacteria extracted from giant panda excrement. Taguchi suspected that panda excrement must contain bacteria capable of breaking down even the hardiest of foods because of panda bear's vast consumption of bamboo,

6) Literature Prize- Awarded to the entire police force of Ireland for issuing more than 50 penalties to a man they supposed to be the most persistent driving offender in Ireland. Mr Prawo Jazdy , was the name , which in Polish means "Driver's License". An investigation done subsequently revealed that that the officers had mistakenly taken down the wrong details from the offender's  Polish driver's license.

Hope you enjoyed this as much I did. There is more, if  you google for Ig awards.

Happy Deepavalli.



  1. Ho,ho,ho..., Is it Deepavali or has Christmas arrived early?
    Santa Prabhakar Claus is in a generous mood.

    These Ignobel awards are outrageous and funny.
    They have been doing it since 1991, they say.
    So, humor in science is not an oxymoron, afterall.

    AP release said panda poop, not excrement...
    Are you trying to make the ignobels look good,Prabhakar?

    Beer bottle, panda p..p,gas mask..., there is lot of fodder here ...

    As heard on SNL, obama won the NobelPeace prize for this accomplishment- "not being George W Bush."

    BTW,who are these good looking people in the picture?


  2. Annals of improbable research did call it - panda excrement. Some reports termed it'droppings'.


  3. The panda poop researsher better get his result patented, or else someone is going to come out with a commercial 'Paa-Poo' tabs-you drop one into your trash-can and the whole collections turns into a miniscule size -you can literally drain it down the sink.

    No need for city trash collections,or waste disposals & recycling- saves a ton of each city's funds !!Cool, isn't it?

    (Or better still,people can have a panda as a pet and make their own panda poop tablets !!)

    Just kidding!

  4. To,

    Rag, Kal, Ban and Meen
    Without u guys where would I have been?
    May be we need only "A FEW GOOD MEN"
    To keep open the lines of communica-tion

    Meenu, blame Raghu-ram for the rhymes
    Now we are all partners in crime
    He's threatening to hang me by a noose
    Not sure who's talking, him or his booze!

    I may be many things, but I don't quit
    Almost did though, with my hissy fit
    IgNobel?? just shows I'm an Ignoramus
    Never heard of it,so definitely misssed the bus

    Seems like POOP and BRA MASKS are subjects of the day
    Can't wait to hear what everyone has to say!


  5. Oh,no.
    No noose for you Rum.
    If Rag doesnt Blog,
    Beer bottle theory on him.


  6. Now now now, go easy on the bottle
    If you resort to violence, you have already lost the battle

    I like the public health prize
    Are there any different size

    Ramzan, glad you are back
    Without you there are no jokes to crack



  7. Hi Friends
    I would like to share the BBC link which really touched me recently. This is titled "The Youngest Headmaster in the world".
    Babar Ali is a 16 year old teenager from West Bengal who is teaching hundreds of children to read and write in his backyard. He started teaching few young children when he was 9 years old and his school has now grown to 800 students.
    Babar Ali has really humbled me and I would encourage to cut and paste this link to read the BBC article and also view the video link.

  8. Sorry,the previous comment was posted by me. I was so excited to write this and forgot to sign my name.


  9. Prem,
    First of all,thanks to you for bringing up this news article.
    What a truly inspirational,awe inspiring real life story!! It almost brought tears to my eyes! He is the one who truly deserves the noble prize in whatever category.
    I just can't find words to commend this remarkably unbeleivable young chap who is making a difference in the lives of 800 other children.
    It was shocking though ,how the well off people aroound him (including the filthy politicians) couldn't take notice of Baber Ali's noble service and do something to provide the basic facilities for the children in need.
    Shame on our politicians !!
    All of our kids, who take things for granted and complain of petty inconveniences in day to day life, must read this inspirational story about our fellow Indian kid who is transforming the lives of so many other kids.
    Way to go Ali!!!

  10. Thanks Premalatha
    I am planning to show the article to my children. Please also view the video link where some of the school children from Plymouth are quizing Babar Ali.

  11. - -
