Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Joy of Giving (Advisory- Medical content)


A few of us met recently to discuss reunion matters and particularly talk about the available funds. We have about 45,000 rupees surplus. In the past we have heard different view points , but the common thread is that everyone would like it to be put to good use , a deserving project etc . So this is what we propose.

1) Set up a bank account  - KMC Reunion account . This is be managed by 3 classmates. Will have  an auditor involved. The accounts will have to be very transparent. Will request for voluntary donations. This money will not be used for reunion activities.

2) Will request classmates to submit  projects which deserve funding. They will have to be (initially ) small projects.  For example ,I have taken part in a surgical camp in Tamil Nadu/Karnataka border a few times. I donated a Nellcor Pulse Oximeter in 2005 which was collected from  Children's Hospital, Boston. It still works well and has helped anaesthetists at these surgical camps which are conducted every 3 months

Another  project proposed is an  A/C installation for the Post Operative ward at the Surgical Oncology division in Royapettah which we will discuss. But it  could be anything - pulse oximeter for a medical camp where our classmates are involved, a water well in a village which needs it, adopt and improve a ward ,  a deserving poor student who is unable to cont studies for lack of funds etc. 

But  personal involvement of the classmate requesting this project is required , for this to work. We will also have  a group to decide on such proposals, with the classmate who is interested in its implementation. 

Once we set this up, it would be required for the recipients to talk about these contributions and its impact at future reunions. I  hope everyone would like to be involved in this charitable wing of the class. This kind of  communication and work will keep us together.  

We also propose reunion to be conducted every 2 years and the subsequent one at 3 years. Using 1989  for calculation , 2009 was the 20th year reunion and reunion will be  in 2011 and the 25th year reunion will be in 2014. 



As most of you know Chennai can be brutal in summer. I am told that  Chennai has 2 summers these days ; one in May and then in July/August. MP Viswanathan is an Assistant Professor at Royapettah Surgical Oncology division and indicated a need for an A/C for the post operative ward at Royapettah in his unit. I recently attended rounds with him. They have  excellent clinical material and provide quality care. They perform about 12 Major surgeries per week. While the post op ward is very  functional and quality care is being provided , I agree that the patients would benefit greatly to recover in some comfort , instead of having to deal with the elements. There is one big floor fan and it makes more noise than cool air.

I have included some photos from my visit;


2)   Patient with Incisional Scar Rt Temporal Region- 40 year old male with CA middle ear, post RT recurrence. Post - En bloc resection of tumour , Rt temporal bone resection .

2) Patient with Tracheostomy /NG tube-  50 yr old female with CA  Lt alveolus . Post - Lt composite resection, P. major myocutaneous flap for lining, tracheostomy for anticipated post op airway issues.

3) Patient with Incisional scar Lt shoulder-  55 yr old male with chondrosarcoma of lt humerus. Post - Type 1 resection (Malawar) and prothetic instrumentation.

Our class has another connection to this surgical division. Dr Snehalatha , our anatomy teacher started this unit in Royapettah.  She was the Professor and HOD of this unit and was instrumental in starting the surgical oncology MCh program at Royapettah. Unfortunately , she succumbed to  malignancy  and pass away in 2003. To me this is a even more compelling reason to take  this as the first project. 

Some of you may ask why cant the govt  install an  A/C ; the answer is- that is not seen as a priority. If others have such ideas in mind , I would be happy to visit your site.  I understand we are doing this without much of a  blueprint, but our class has always been different and willing to explore different areas/ideas.

Prabhakar Devavaram


  1. Excellent Prabhakar and MPV,I am totally in support of your ideas.As for our 1st project,I would say go for it, all the more as a way of paying tribute to our beloved Snehalatha Madam-she was an excellent teacher and Anatomist-Histologist.

  2. Shocked to know about Snehalatha's demise. I remember her as a very efficient & dedicated teacher.

    Good starting point to our charitable arm would be the A/C installation. If you can find out the rough estimate of the cost involved, we can start collecting the needed funds.

  3. Prabhakar

    A noble cause in memory of a noble teacher. One of the major problems I see with donating for these capital projects is that the easiest bit is offerring the capital cost of the unit but recurring costs may be the killer. If we were to sustain its function,recurring costs of maintainence (including service and repairs) should be built into this. Otherwise you will find them lying useless in the hospital within a year. If we were to do this we should either enter into a maintainence contract with the supplier or get the hospital estates to ensure that it is maintained appropriately. I still remember The C-Arm X-ray machine that was donated to MMC during my post graduation was lying idle within 6 month eventually to be decommissioned.

    Just let us know what are the costs and we can discuss how best we can collect them.

    Thank you for your hard work and your altruistic attitude. It is not an easy job doing all these things in your spare time. It goes to show your commitment. I am sure most us will support you in whatever way we can.

    The ward in the picture looks appealingly clean. Did Viswanathan do it himself. He does appear a little tired or was he sending patients to the little angels like what me and Naga do on a routine basis. You probably need an A/C plant for the mortuary.



  4. Terribly sorry to hear about Dr. Snehalatha.
    It seems like Triumph will rise from tragedy and hopefully things will come to fruition.

    Raghu always ingests some humor into the situation for which I am glad or life will become too serious.


  5. Kalyani,

    WE dont need to collect money yet. We are working with a 45,000 left over budget.


    Visu confirmed that the A/C will go into a central inventory and will be serviced accordingly. As another benefit is that we have Visu on site and can make sure its not idle.

  6. Prabakar

    good work in keeping up the flame of the reunion alive. The A/C project would be a good starting point. i agree with Raghu that we should always cater for the repairs and maintenance of any equipment that we donate to ensure its utility.

    Sorry to hear abour Dr.Snehalata.She was a good teacher.


  7. Prabhakar

    Can I suggest that you collect donations separately for this rather than utilising the spillover from re-union. My view is that we should leave this for organising future meetings.

    These donations are not going to be huge plus handling them separately in a charity account will help you keep track of what you are doing.


  8. Hai RAGHU,
    I like your angels and buffaloes joke.Once we donate , it will go to the govt.stock,then it will come under institutional care.
    Another suggestion is to adopt a ward .If everything goes well we are planning to inaugurate our association,most likely by a Health minister or secretary in a grand function.Association name will be-
    IKANS or IKONS - INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF KMCians' 89'alternate suggestions most welcome
    Further areas to be addressed will be discussed in near future.

  9. Good beginning....we are with you.


  10. Hi Prabhakar and Viswa
    Thanks for the photos. I was shocked to hear about the demise of Dr. Snehalatha. She was a good teacher. I accept the proposal for AC to postop ward in Royapettah hospital as long as there is an arrangement for regular maintanence.
    Viswa you are doing a great job for your cancer patient, well done.
    Shankarabarathi recently sent me a newspaper clip from The Hindu. He had operated on a baby with hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia with diffuse pancreatic involvement. He had done subtotal pancreatectomy to prevent severe/recurrent hypoglycaemia at Egmore Children's Hospital. Well done SB.


  11. Hi MPV and Prabhakar,

    I support this cause . Will a single AC unit suffice ,though?

  12. Dear all
    I support Raghu's point in the sense that money leftover from the re union to be used for future meetings and money to be collected for the carity work. We can use the money we have in hand to initate the charity but to utilise the money mainly for the reunion. As we all know the depreciation for value for money, in 2 years we may not be able to get the same value for the money we spent this year.
    I appreciate your work and involvement well done. As Raghu and Ranjani mentioned we have to responisble for installing and maintennce of the A/C like what we get in UK for boiler( Installation and maintenance).

  13. i thought of taking a break n digest
    the reunion experience.
    but before i can do,
    there r so many things go on blog,
    that commit me to put my input 2
    but the problem is i dont know where 2 deep my foot!!!!!!!!!!
    well i know raghu,mathi n prem n perhaps others 2 will thing-anyway that is naga!!!!!!!!!!
    but i insist 2 divulge my idea,whatever be
    from taiwan
    1st very serious matter
    ........i am planning to start tantrixes group.........what say u.....just plan,want ur ideas
    2nd less serious matter
    ........i in the opinion that the reunion money should be kept 4 future organisation of reunion.
    so that they no need to struggle like prabar.
    if v plan 2 do charity,it should come from over pocket with sincerity n whole hearted but not from spillover,that is not charity but diversion
    what say u,i am just refracing raghus!!!!!!!!!!
    3rd very less serious matter
    no offence to anybody,if u do help or support an unit or deptment u cannot depend on individual there bcos he is only working in an organisation.the organisation latter may not agre to support n may put him in fix
    hahaha i am tiredbcs talking to much facts
    !!!!!!!!!!sori,no ht feeling,gd wk
    w.l naga

  14. Hey the great Killer has broken his silence!!!, welcome back Naga. The blog was never the same without you. Even more so the angels up in hell and heaven started crying since they missed you. WE were about to get over Naga withdrawal.

    Listen up y"all, Our friend Naga is Back
    Eating too much in Madras, he has acquired a big rack
    Wherever you were hiding, cover your track
    When it comes to killing pts, you really have a Knack.



  15. Yo Naaaga!

    All our impassioned pleas for you to come back fell on deaf ears- now suddenly u have risen from the ashes and become a blogosome !

    Whats the deal and whats your agenda?


  16. Very sad to learn about Dr.Snehalatha.She was very intelligent and motivated,she definitely had a 'presence' . She used to ride the bus number 29C with a bunch of our classmates.She was very friendly and down to earth,too. She probably was only ten or so years older than us.It is indeed very sad that her life was shortened by malignancy.

    Collecting money for charitable causes, in my opinion is the not so difficult part. To do the actual work ,identifying deserving projects and to put in the tremendous amount of effort is the difficult part. We have to maintain consistency and not let the projects fizzle out. Why cant we think about collaborating with existing organisations with good reputation( like those Kumaran and Kannan mentioned).

    Welcome back Naga, so good to have you back in the blog.


  17. Raghu and others want the money we have for future reunions and collect funds for charitable cause, seperately.

    At least part of the funds we have, was collected after the reunion when we(I) thought we would have problems to settle the bill at MGM. So this money donated so kindly , if used for charity will have meaning.

    The other reason is that setting up an account with 3 members managing is going to take time and I anticipate a 3 week- 1 month period before we can be in a position of strength.

    Even with this A/C unit purchase we will have some left over. So please comments on this, because we can move fforward soon.

    Rachula- We may need a 1.5 ton capacity A/C. Will speak to some A/C people.

    The maninatence will be addressed as part of the deal.

  18. Meenakshi,

    I agree we cant let projects fizzle out. So we should make it work and find means to do it. It may be a few projects per year , but I think with individual participation we can make it work.

    I addition; we can give to organisations which are doing good word.But I like our classmates being involved and making a difference ,even if its comparitively small.

    I sent emails to everyone and would like to see more involvement. Others please ccomment if you are following the blog.


  19. Pra Baa deva

    As Meenakshi mentioned, Giving is the easy part as i'm sure we are all blessed and fairly comfortable. However how do we make these contributions, once it is set up? Is it thru wire transfers, which could be expensive in the long run,for those living abroad especially if there is going to be regular contributions?

    May be we can all pool the money together and send a lump sum, at a time.

    my 2 cents


  20. hello Ramzan
    Regarding money transfer to India, I have been using citibank NRI rupee checking account which allows free demand draft to any place and money transfers to any local bank account in India.
    Only problem is you had to change the foreign currency into rupees and may loose small amount in exchange.
    In each country one person can collect the money and send it to India.


  21. Me too Prem and Ramzan,we use the Citi Bank NRI Rupee Acct. It is just very easy online transfers and transaction.You can just order a D.D online,in Ruppes, for a specified amt and they will door deliver it within the next 2 days usually. No extra charge and your money will be less of just a few cents per dollar @the usual conversion rate.
    Easy and covenient.

  22. I think, we should go ahead with the money we have currently, and we can start sending in our voluntary donations right away if we have a charity Account set up already. Prabhakar,I understand you will be back to US in a couple of months or so if I am right. So before you leave Chennai,can you please set up up the Charity Account in some name(suggestions welcome), so we can start sending in funds. It is important for a Charity Acct to be set up, so that the bank won't deduct tax from the interest, whatever it may be.
    Not to forget,many many thanks to you Prabhakar for co-ordinating the activities required for our brain child project to get a jump-start.Hope everything goes as smoothly as we dream. We are all indebted to you and your team.

  23. If I remember correct, from the 1st year memory of our class, the name Dr.Snehalatha used bring pindrop silence and strictness in our class. The home works and record works were done with utmost care by us on time mainly out of the scare we had in the name, especially we hostelers. Anyone correct me if I am wrong please... Afterwards in our curriculum such a strict professor was not found I believe... Once again, please correct me if I am wrong. Anyone wants to talk about Prof.RPR; I guess that was his initials, correct me if I am wrong, I think he too passed away early, in fact, we attended his ceremony also, correct me if I am wrong please... We were in his I medical unit; for his class, our batch mates used to take a 'cut' and come from other units. Such was his discourse on the topic of 'clinical medicine'; In fact he was one of my inspirations during the publication of my paper to IJMR.


  24. Sorry!

    I forgot to mention about this charity! (lost in memories) Once again, what is in a name? You can have any XXXX, YYYY etc., PL was saying Prabhakar will be back in US...? Left me with a question, who else would be the next atlas for our batch if a charity should be formed? May be with the better current communication system you can cinematically say "beam me up"! (not 'beam boy, beam boy antha lockerla irukra panatha yeduthu intha avinasi moonchila vitteri', yeppidi... summa athiruthula!) Whatever or however forming a charity is good! Do it! Just beam the advantages to the deserving like the "power rangers"! Better tie up a Ben 10 watch too! You may have to take different forms at different times as and when required! Finally, to add, it seems 'Bentane' means Goddess Sarswathi in Japanese!


  25. Dear Kannan
    I guess you are talking about Prof JRR(Jayanthi Rama Rao) unit 3 chief GRH. A thorough gentleman, leader by example, a friend and a guide. He was a great inspiration in my life. He opened my clinic when i was in india. when he was un well and in apollo i was on his bedside for a night. He had problems with heart, bleeding from brain memory loss following hypoxia during cardiac arrest and he died within a week or 2 from then.

  26. Kannan

    I have never known you attending many of the lectures. No wonder you are getting the names wrong. So What is all about the inspiration and the rest of it.

    Our greatest inspiration was our friend David and Mr. Bright. I am sure they both must be dead by now.


  27. Kannan, it was JRR as Ravi said, but he was the fourth unit chief, I think. He was always well dressed, well mannered & quite a master in clinical teaching. Most of all I remember him for his wonderful sense of humor!

    I agree with all the people who've spoken in favor of Citi NRI a/c. It is fast, reliable & customer service is excellent.
    As prabhakar stated, setting up a new a/c & pooling funds into it might be time consuming. So may be we should go ahead & get started on this A/C installation project to celebrate us all reconnecting after all these years! We can worry about collecting funds for future reunion after this is installed & a charity a/c has been set up. Since the channels of communication are wide open now than it was ten months back, pooling funds for future reunions shouldn't be big deal. Thats my humble opinion on this issue.


  28. Hi all,
    I too am disturbed to know about Snehalatha madam's demise. She was indeed a great teacher with a lot of enthusiasm and energy.

    Who can forget JRR? What an excellent clinian he was...with a great sense of humor and incredible teaching skills. Although I was not fortunate enough to work with him closely, I am thankful for all the OPD sessions he used to conduct, teaching all students irrespective of their unit assignments!

    We do need a bank account to keep all the funds in one place. I think it makes sense to start the account with the left over reunion money. Having 3 people managing it, is a good idea.

    Transferring funds from abroad shouldn't be a big issue. We can nominate one person for USA, one for UK and so on...to collect money from the others in their country, and send it across as one lumpsum, periodically.

    In my opinion, it is better to function as a small independent organization, than to merge with other existing bigger collaborations. We are a strong group. Working together, we CAN make a positive impact on our own!

    Let's come up with a name for our charity organization. How about KIAA'89 (KMC International Alumni Association '89)?

    So long as there is personal supervision by our batchmates, and, we take up small projects...one at a time, we should be able to run the organization well.

    A/C unit for the post op surgical ward is not a bad idea. I support this project for 3 reasons...(1)It would be a small tribute to Dr.Snehalatha from her students (2)MPV is right there to make it worthwhile...atleast for the next few years (3)It is do-able right now with our existing funds.

    Helping out the general public directly, rather than pitching in where the Govt funds are lacking...appeals to me more!

    For example, why not give out home nebulizer machines to deserving poor asthma patients...especially children? We can make the donation by having a one day charity function, invite KMC Dean or one of our old teachers to preside over, may be even get media coverage..

    What do you all think??


  29. KIAA '89 sounds like a car model, Banu!!!


  30. That's the idea Kalyani...people, especially men will remember the name better...LOL!!

  31. hi Guys,

    My thoughts.
    It all depends on what we want to accomplish.
    We need a vision statement...
    I am really not against installing an A/C, but is that what we want to do? Getting equipments and infrastructure....? Or we want to create a change...?

    My feeling is we should look at creating a change. Without getting carried away by having numerous proposals straight away, we must as a group choose one "pilot project" and show ourselves that it can work and create the change....

    I am still going back to adopting the ward idea. We can adopt an aspect of a ward's functioning- say hygeine. Study the existing condition, and put it here on the web. we can discuss ideas to improve it. A small group of us can collate the ideas do more research and come up with recommendations. This can be discussed and agreed upon. A small local team or the family members of ppl living abroad/away can be roped in to be incharge of execution. We can have ongoing reports. we must decide before hand what parameters will be observed as a marker of change. A six month/three month audit can be done to see if it works....

    That way we'll be convinced to put in more time, money and effort into this and we can do more projects. Funding infrastructure is good...but an idea that will change an aspect of the ward function forever is great..

    We can discuss more ideas here and the local coordinating committee can vet and put ideas on the web for voting. We can choose the most workable project after discussion and voting by the group. This will let us all share the responsibility of the project....

    I am rambling...

    These are my thoughts....

    Small steps, clear vision, small project, study effect and grow slowly.....
    If the group takes up responsibility, it may not matter who is where.....


  32. Rajkumar ,Ranjani and rajesh
    do u remember, JRR used to take us to breakfast every Wed mornings after OP? His mornings OP's were so crowded, it was kind of overwhelming presenting before such a huge crowd. He was very charismatic ,and appealing and had a way with woman, lots of rumors swirled around him.
    I went and saw him at Apollo after he coded. He never quite recovered. Then we paid our respects to him at his home after his passing-surprisingly quite a dilapidated house , and his wife quite homely and unassuming.

    just a quick walk down memory lane


  33. Thanks for the comments. I would like more participation in the blog, especially from our Indian readers. Many were interested in this charitable path during our reunion and I have sent emails and SMS to everyone. At this point its not going to be possible to call and talk to classmates; and the wide world web is going to be the place to share.

    Kumaran- Thanks for giving us the vision statement or key pts.

    1) Have a clear vision.

    2) Take Small Steps.

    3) Undertake small projects( initially)

    4) Study effect and grow slowly.

    5) Yes, we can attitude.

    In honour of Kumaran"s contribution, I recommend looking into adopting a ward (improvement/Hygeine) as the next project. For this we need people working in hospitals where this could be implemented to comment.

    As mentioned before I am free on Tuesdays and would be happy to visit sites. I am also planning to spend time on Tuesdays in diffrent units so will keep you posted.

    Will plan the A/C installation and will report on its course.


  34. i think we should'nt waste too much time aruing about what project to take up. for starters we can take up the AC project and once the account and a core roup is in place slowly start other bigger projects.

    Adopting a ward sounds quite appealing but will need consistent commitment and visits to monitor the progress.

    Yes I do remember how crowded JRR'S OPDs used to be He was an excelent teacher. He had great charisma! $th unit chief Dr. Srinivas (i think) and surgery prof DR MMR were also excellent teachers.


  35. hahaha!!!!!!!
    i c in THE blog everybody keen to adopt.
    adopt this ,adopt that n adopt everywhere.
    why cant somebody adopt me!!!!hehe
    just joking yaha!!!!!!!
    i am really disappointed with bloglah!
    that proffessor is good,this prof is good n that prof spend me!!!!!!!
    but nobody remember the brilliant medico naga contribution to prof?
    u know what, they forgotten their subject after teaching me!!!!!!!!haha
    quatation of the day of naga---
    W.L naga(humble soldier)

  36. Prabhakar,
    You have taken the initiative, have inspired us and instrumental in keeping it all together.You can count on us for support and commitment. As Kumaran articulated it so effectively and eloquently ,small, steady,sure steps will help us plant our feet firmly.
    Yes we can.
    Thank you Prabhakar Obama.


  37. Laughing out loud,Meenakshi!

    Prabhama alright, wonder if they are twins separated at birth?


  38. May be they were separated at birth,
    Barack and prabhak .


  39. Yes. Thanks to Prabhama and the enthusiasm shown by the group we are here not only connecting but discussing the beyond...:)

    The reason I feel we should have a vision statement is when we are in fix and unsure the vision statement should guide us through....We all must be clear what is it that we want to do with the money.....

    Let me try my hand at a preliminary structure of one. Please comment on it and develop it...


    To help the staff and students of Kilpauk medical college and its affiliated hospitals in providing better health care to its patients and the community.

    I feel this vision can be achieved by the following mission statement…

    1) To help with the educational needs of KMC students
    2) To aid staff of KMC and its affiliated hospitals in providing evidence based health care
    3) To help with augmenting the allied health and support services of KMC and its affiliated hospitals

    We can think of more stuff and agree on them…so in future this document will dictate how we spend our money….

    Please comment and change any thing that is written here…If ppl don’t want it to be restricted to KMC alone, we can discuss that….

    I do feel it is important to spend time discussing it right now. It is not a waste of time at all. It’ll become very useful in the future…It is better to deliberate hard at the beginning…and Prabhakar as always can deliver us from dillydallying…

  40. Well done Kumaran, looks like you've been unanimously selected to be the policy writer for our charitable wing! And you're doing a good job at that. I'm impressed by your power of positive thinking.
    If you push a little harder, may be you can become a good motivational speaker! You could be the Anthony Robbins of our batch!
