Monday, June 22, 2009


The MGM resort has given us time to pay for the event. However we need to give exact number of rooms required, shortly. So if anyone want us to book rooms for their stay; please do so by July 10 th, 2009. 

This will allow us to focus on planning the program etc . After July 10th , 2009 please contact MGM resorts directly if you require rooms.This notice is only for people who want to stay overnight at the resort.

 I will continue to collect the Demand Drafts for the event from everyone. Please email me or post comments in the blog if you have questions.


  1. Any idea about the rent for the room available in the crocodiles wide opened mouth

  2. The room in crocodile's mouth is for the person posting comments anonymously!!!


  3. Dear Friends
    Please pay for the event.
    We are planning to meet after 19 years so spare the day and pay for it.

  4. I do find the anonymous guy's comments interesting - i wonder who he or she is? it is certainly not naga , the guys english is good

  5. Prabakar rather than posting wildlife why dont you give your son the camera and ask him to snap our usual hangouts like the KMC canteen , nair kadhi , banyan tree , our hostel and last but not the least anatomy prof naghia

  6. last i heard of naga is that he has been backpacking ( escaping the stresses of his family ) in mongolia - i hope he has a decent shave before he makes it to the reunion at madras .

  7. i understand ramkumar rajesh is in the uk - any one has his contacts - he could ring me on 07967631967 - maybe we could meet up in london soho for a beer

  8. I am willing to occupy the room if kalyani accompanies me.i was just kidding Prabhakar for posting such a photograph when he was mentioning about the accommodation and also to instigate kmcians to actively participate in the blog.
    mathi,pl respond to the mail. priscilla

  9. I would definitely take up on your offer if I intended to stay the night! But like I said before, I have to leave on Saturday night to be at the airport to catch my flight on Sunday morning.
    And I forgot to mention in my previous posting that oceanview is guaranteed!!

  10. Hi everyone,

    Glad to see the smiling crocodile has invited few comments(yes it was smiling, look again). Mathi , I think Naga's wife probably arranged the vacation for him . Ramkumar Rajesh is coming for the reunion. I still havent received any postings for the blog from the readers.

    Thanks to all the blog followers.please cont to post comments.


  11. prabakar smiling croc - you sure are right .
    '' when men are men and sheep are afraid - wellcome to wales ''

  12. Pricilla dont worry about the room - you can stay in naga's room - i am sure he is going to get drunk and find himself in some local's hut by the sea in the reunion

  13. prabakar so how come you are chilling out in the motherland while we guys sweating out over here - have you been exciled from the U.S

  14. Mr / Ms Anonymous , I have become your fan - so hows life treating you ?

  15. Pravin sorry lost you , the blog site changes on a daily basis - I am getting my clan down to madras for the reunion - I have a daughter 13 and son 11 - i hope you getting your kids down so that they could have a laugh

  16. mathi,
    I am coming with the family,we will have a blast in chennai,keep up the posts it is getting more exciting ,we need to hook up prior to if possible,I will be in town end of july.

  17. From the style of writing, I would think that Mr.Anonymous is Mohanan Madhavan or Ramkumar Rajesh.

  18. Hi everyone,
    How about the idea of christening our batch at the end of 25 years.Can you all come out with some suggestions.We would review it and use it for the address book. priscilla

  19. Priscilla,

    Is it Christening ; as in giving new names. Please Clarify


  20. Pravin has been wanting to start the 'count down' since last week. So here it is...

    43 days more....for the reunion!!


  21. Yes,indeed Prabhakar.I meant giving a new name for our entire batch instead of calling as 1984batch so that we can also use it as a title for the address book and it will be of use for subsequent meets too.Priscilla

  22. Mathi please check before you promise Naga's room to priscilla. I need to stay in that room.
    cant wait to meet you all in the reunion.

  23. Banu thanks ! IT IS indeed 43 DAYS AND COUNTING !

  24. Hey guys and gals,
    Those of you who haven't yet turned in photos of their recent 'cutest'(???) self and family photos and other details to Priscilla, please do so asap. If U know any batchmate friend who hasn't yet turned in the photos due to lack of internet access or other reasons,please persuade them to send the details.
    Priscilla has been relentlessly trying to call or email every person and has been literally begging them to send the details asap.( Hats off to her and the team for their tireless efforts!)

    She has to wrap up the work soon to give it to the press. Kindly co-operate. If U don't prefer to send in certain details she had asked, that is fine too. But please send in as much as you would want to appear in the booklet memoir our heros and heroines of the Reunion are planning to do.And, the Director(Prabhakar), please make sure U send in some reminder for all our email contacts.


  25. visit

