Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Niggles

So the cricket saga continues. Today we heard from Mr Dhoni - Don't hide injuries. Apparently the players have been pretending to be fully fit so that they could play in the first eleven. Further he said - If rest is the cure for injury , a cricketer ought to opt for it rather than let fatigue or NIGGLE become a major setback for him and to the team.

That brings us to the niggle . Since i am not sure of this condition , I thought I will send out a consult to  the surgical colleagues in our class (I think its a surgical problem). We need more information . Could this be corrected by minimally invasive surgery? Hope to get comments from the 24 followers of the blog and the thousands of readers across the globe.


  1. Hi
    I think Dhoni is finding some excuses for the defeat. According to day's news betting in Tennis may indicate some fishy things going on in cricket again now.

  2. I've heard of giggles & wiggles, even muggles from Harry Potter, But Niggles - I don't know!I'm waiting for our surgical bloggers'(or Should we say Sloggers!!!) take on that!

    Good job with the calender on the right for the countdown!

  3. nig·gle (ngl)
    intr.v. nig·gled, nig·gling, nig·gles
    1. To be preoccupied with trifles or petty details.
    2. To find fault constantly and trivially

    Kalyani what it means is that the Indian cricket team are a bunch of whimps

  4. Thanks for the clarification, Mathi. I came across that meaning in Wikipedia too, but Prabhakar gave the idea that it could be a medical/surgical term!

  5. Wacko Jacko dead
    '' life is like playing chess , once the game is over the king and pawn go back to the same box ''

  6. De mortuis nil nisi bonum...

    (say) nothing but good of the dead.

  7. hi guys it is nice to c ur rekindles the wild,cheerful n htaching n ht healing thoughts of yester moment 2 2days time keep it going to spike up ur is holy n veggie pls dont show me me spirit or grass,just bcos i am holy n veg.anyway i think,i keep away from mathi n raghu,who practise both but prem might by find but i am worried he may change my proffession from dr. 2 priestso keepcloser with other the by,is anybody take me in ur room,i dont mind sleeping under the bed bcos my gd frien auctionmy rm to others without my consent,anyway that is why need frens 4 but 1 think dont trust montford boys!!!!!!!!

  8. hahaha!!!!!!!!!!i just tried out posting comment n it worked.girls n guys that is naga coming in disguise of that nobody wiill identify me.oops i told how i am,well u know that is in the influence of holy just back from china/mongolia backpacking trip 2 wash my clean my spirit n wipe my gitso that i come holyhow u guys doing appear to b sae fellows only posting.coming show ur machoness or ladiness.dont shy away.v r grown up n no more the timid boys or girs ,who send application 2 others.sori guys n girls my girlfren watching over me.i am still bachelor n but not available

  9. Though this be madness,yet there is method in't.

    Polonius..Hamlet,Act2,Scene 2,193-206.

  10. hey nagahere again,dai u guys got nothing else other tha working n earning n getting rich n famous is not all that,there is manythings to do,to c,to meet such reunion.lastly n the best to catchwith guys v know 25yrs back which is stillfresh in mind but far in heart to lousy guys /old ladies,oops sori girls put ur thoughts to enjoy by me n others.without forgetting the loudakeball raghu n harikrishnan

  11. naga here,kannan ,get me trinelvel alwa 4 me,i miss it machan n mayb v can open a booth 4 alwa if prabar n committe allows.i got rumours mathi n raghu got permission from prabar to open a booth of spirits n grss.since i am veg decide on alwa booth.have to make some money to prem if not i hav 2 land up sleeping at beach.

  12. This old doc from Malaysia,
    Decided to move to Fantasia.
    He set up shop on a beach,
    To peddle love and to preach
    Naughty matters that don't concern ya.

  13. hi,naga here.pravin how is life n is ur in madrasin same hse.i still remember her bcos of a malaysian i send my rgds to her.v will catch up at reunion,by the by r u taking extra room.i can join if u dont mine since mathi auction my room!!!!!!!!!!!!just kidding

  14. pls dont tell old doc from malaysia.4 ur information u all age goes up bcos stress of working n earning but 4 me age decline bcos work means telling byebye to pt.anyway who is that,curiosity kils the cat!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Sorry, dear friend.'Old doc' is a term of endearment.Didnt mean 'Old Croc'. best wishes Naga...

  16. prisscila,i really admire u.when i went through the blog.i realise u have put a lot lot of effort to trace the classmates n on top of able to tolerate all my accuses n laziness of mine in delaying in sending my particulars.thk od i have always my dearest buddy prem to help us out always,knowing our helplessness n habit of procastination.adios amigo to u as organiser n to prem to helping us to be always lackedisical!!!!! ht feeling but have cheerful ht

  17. ai ya prabar is my best buddy nagasubramaniam n harikrishnan coming to reunion.i hope they come ya.i miss them a lot ya.anyway prabar can u arrange a small song/dance partywith u dad if u dont mind ya.pls send my love n regards to ur dad.if possible give a umma to him on my behalf 4 being a wonder father to n gd friend to me that is why i remember him though i met him 25 yrs back,it looks like 25days only!!!!!!!!hehehehe

  18. Good show..nearly there..procrastination and lackadaisical.the muses are awake and the blades are swishing....

  19. This YOUNG stud went trekking,
    To the Himalayas to do some begging
    To the good Lord he poured
    Out his heart in the cold,
    "Please help me be a little more forgiving."

    Hope this is better Naga.

  20. dai machan tell me, who u r replying ,my that i know ,is this my gd friend or the bad 1.the telecommunication world is wide.dont let me guessing the divine person talking 2 me,then i may need the help of spirit to guide me to the guess who u r but if i am not wrong i think u must be nadesh,the poet son.give me a tick if i am rt,if i am wrong give me the boot!!!!!!!!hahaha.any more failure means more success waiting.what say???

  21. naga here,mathi i saw in ur earlier mail.u said ur wife age is 16 n ur elder child is 13teen.i think it is either typo error or u did something grossly wrong pal!!!!!!!!!!!!how is reunion spirit wirking on u machan

  22. Hey guys romba mokka podatheenga.
    Keep some for the meet....Hee Hee
    -Vasanthy Partha

  23. Sorry Naga my good pal,it is the boot this time, I'm afraid.Keep trying.Good luck in all your endeavours!!!!Love your use of the word 'spirit'.Guess its easily interchangeable isnt it.One spirit leads to the other!!!Either way all this banter and anticipation about the reunion is quite inebriating isnt it?


  24. Hey Naga,Nice to hear from you,you have not changed Machan,remember the holidayhouse.looking forward eagerly to the meet.
    Is Anonymous Ram kumar Rajesh ???.

  25. Hi Naga
    atlast you have started commenting on the blog. Dont worry I have reserved a room for us. i thought mathi sent the maximum comments but it looks you are going to overtake him.
    Prabhakar you should give an award to the person who sends the maximum number of comments.
    See you all in August

  26. dai ra rusputin,me impatient,my 1ss guess wrong mayb not spirit.n now with the help of grass,my thoughts wild,r u the ghost in rusputin pravin's guess rt.i only know 2 poerson other than me who is good in english 1st is me,2nd is nadesh,3rd is rajesh.r u.mapalai dont let my head swing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!from nag

  27. hi guys why u all herbinating,then u may put on weight in wrong places.tell something ya.wwhat is happening to my good friend murli,kannan,vinod,senthil,luaderkabal raghu,nadesh,nagasubramaniam,kasung,suresh roy,ravi,jeyam n etc.dont tell me still u fellows appling 4 girls that ,no time to type something down in blog.i am sure u all married dozen time to c another come to blog ,loose free n have fun talking something other than medicine n boring routine life.where my rackee sisters all,r they coming ya!!!!!!!!!!!!hey binthu n saravan,relax from daily work enter the blog n say what is life nwhat u all have 4 reunion

  28. Quite right Naga.

    Remember the time
    When nothing we said or did was a crime?
    We hung out with the guys
    Wooing bacchus, giving high fives,
    Surely,those were the best days of our lives????

    Ra Ra Rasputin

  29. so get the i am got at guessing .thank my grass n spirit help.ya that was fun life bcos ur parens sponsor n v enjoy
    but now v work harder than ur parent to give better life to ur kids
    so they enjoy n v schrew ur life at work n counting the penny which is not us but the children's
    that is the life cycle v r in
    at least this reunion helps to catch up with how v benefitted while ur parent's worked

  30. work is to earn to live but it is not the end n beginning of life

  31. Naga you Pillock !
    I can't understand half of what you've been writing - any way carry on - It all sounds good.
    What is luaderkabal ? Sounds like a resort in the swiss alps. I must visit this place !!

  32. Vinod,re Lauderkabal,do you think Naga meant some religious group?Did he actually imply"Lord Of Kabala"?.....Rasputin.

  33. The anonymous is Rajesh,my Rakhee brother I guess!


  34. Madam,you guessed wrong.I have two sisters already,and believe me they are quite a handful.Why would I want any more,unless I had a death wish?

  35. And furthermore,I distinctly remember bunking off college on Rakhee days least some fair maiden chose to tie a rakhee on my wrist.Not for me any Rakhee sisters. From what I can gather, all this rakhee business is a ploy adopted by traditional Indian girls to ward off unwanted suitors. so all Ye Rakhee brothers, wake up and smell the roses!!!!

  36. Looks like there is a lot of action on the kmc blog - first and foremost - naga you are not allowed to the reunion if you dont have a shave mate .
    The anonymous rusputin guy looks like has got a lot of time at his dispossal - i am sure he is not a surgeon
    and last but not the least i sign off with this thought for the day which was text to me from naga :
    '' virginity is like a balloon : one PRICK all gone ''
    mathi - i will be back

  37. I apologise on my last comment if i have offended any of our virgin kmc classmates

  38. So lets guess who this Anonymous Rusputin is and i have worked out few tips from his many correspondence
    1) he is surely a male( unless he has had a sex change )
    2) he is not a surgeon
    3) he lives abroad
    4) he is a veggie
    5) he does not drink but is into sex, drugs and rock and roll (i am just guessing )
    5) he is a couch potato / computer head

  39. 1st of all my pony tail is 2 long might b long enough to beat any modern girls hair.2nd think i am worried,my good friend rasputin my get interested in me,since he have 2 many rackee now i am growing the beard order i dont get a rose from dont take me for a samy or he/she if u see me in reunion,4 heaven sake dont recognise me as begger n chase me of, with my new look.before i forget my hair is dyed red machan

  40. dai my machans,now i know how easy it is to start a religious group in this world n that 2 in india our motherlan.ohoh!!sori in fatherland!!!!that wisdom word of laurderkabal comes in my normal discourse after a ounce of gd spirit n a packed of fine grass as my meal.didnt realise it going to be a future religious group,started my gd friends from kmc.guys make sure the members r gals,i am shy of boys pls!!!!!!!

  41. good friend vinod n rasputin,thanks for kind reply cheer up my day n best pal in blog rasputin i admire u n falling in luv with u oops!!!!!!!! 4 ur good english n like a gal,keep me n others guessing who u r.i know who u r but i wont tell now.iwill giv u a kiss on the day then u would b amazed at my brialliant medical detective knowledge of mine,as i where in medical college!!!!!!!!!I KNOW U DOUBTING WAS THIS NAGA REALLY GOOD STUDENT!!!!!!dont wori machans even i was not but i have 2 blow my own trumpet bcos many sisters n old guys reading our i have to potray as top std!!!!!!!!
