Thursday, June 18, 2009

Chumps not Champs

It must be difficult for cricket lovers to see India lose in the T 20 world cup. All sorts of blame and excuses are going around.  The main excuses are ;   the Indian  players were tired  after the IPL season;  Dhoni and Shewag had a rift going on between them. Now Dhoni has come out saying fatigue was not a factor. Don't know what to believe in.

 Indian fans reacted in the way they know best; they burnt effigies of Dhoni and friends. My opinion- maybe after the players appear in more than 5 different ads they should retire from cricket.

As for me, I haven't had much interest in cricket anyway and love field hockey more. The stories about hockey are not happy either. But the best thing about the IPL and the world cup is the series of Zoozoo ads made for Vodafone. One could check them out in You Tube.

The reunion planning is all set to go to the next stage ,which is stage 3 by the way. We are planning to meet soon to discuss the program content.

 I haven't had any submissions  for the top ten reasons to attend the reunion contest. Please write some comments if you read the blog. It will make me feel better.


  1. Hi Prabakar,

    Iam not much of a cricket follower either, but an ardent follower of our blogspot & your postings! Especially on a day like today, when Iam doing a spinal fusion on a factor 7 deficient kid, it is nice to take a break from all the blood/factor infusions & see a fresh posting on the blogspot, even if it is about India flunking in cricket!! Keep up the good work!

  2. Dear Prabhakar
    Thanks for posting some information about cricket. It was happening not far from where i was on that day. I know very well you were never interested in cricket. AS far as Kalyani i dont remember coming to cheer us for class matches.
    I hope Jeyam,Murali,BOBO,Rajesh and others give their comments.

  3. thanks for the comments. Now check out the Zoozoo ads on you tube and comment on them.


  4. Hi Everyone,

    Thanks to Priscilla's relentless detective efforts, 107 of our batchmates have been found so far (out of a total of 134). Six have been excluded and only 21 are still missing.

    Almost 40 people have paid for the reunion so far. There are many more who are DEFINITELY coming but are still in the process of making their payments.

    I will update the numbers again in a few days.
    Let's keep the reunion spirits soaring!!

    The countdown has officially begun...48 days to go...

    "Happy Father's Day" to all you Dads!!

    June 20, 2009.

  5. Oops..I meant to write June 21 in my previous comment...sorry for the typo!

  6. Hey guys and gals,
    Those of you who haven't yet turned in photos of their recent 'cutest'(???) self and family photos and other details to Priscilla, please do so asap. If U know any batchmate friend who hasn't yet turned in the photos due to lack of internet access or other reasons,please persuade them to send the details.
    Priscilla has been relentlessly trying to call or email every person and has been literally begging them to send the details asap.( Hats off to her and the team for their tireless efforts!)

    She has to wrap up the work soon to give it to the press. Kindly co-operate. If U don't prefer to send in certain details she had asked, that is fine too. But please send in as much as you would want to appear in the booklet memoir our heros and heroines of the Reunion are planning to do.And, the Director(Prabhakar), please make sure U send in some reminder for all our email contacts.

