Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Photo Project

We plan to have a slide show during the August 8th event and would like to request all of you to send in your photographs taken during your KMC years.

Jeyam( and Jayalakshmi( are going to  work on this project. After listening to comments; these are the options to send pics.

1) The best way is to send (email) a digital version of the photos to Jeyam or Jayalakshmi.

2) If you would like to send hard copies , you may post it to me. I will convert it to digital version in Konica and hand over the photos during the meet.

3) If you live in far away places and your parents are in Chennai or elsewhere, have the photos; you could email me or viswanath and we will collect them for you.
Please recognise that every ones involvement is necessary to make this a success. So please help by sending in your KMC pictures.

 Will discuss the cow in the next blog.Thanks.  


  1. Readers ,

    Missing from the discussion board are views of classmates living in India. Please comment so that your views can be included.

  2. Indeed,Prabhakar.Murali,Bindu,Saravanan,,Suma... Come on guys,let's here from all our mates in India.also tell us about the monsoon. think it is raining quite heavily in certain parts. really miss it.At best the thunderstorms here are but a drizzle .


  3. Dear prabhakar
    Can i post pictures in the blog

  4. Prabakar now that all of us are specialist in our respective fields , how about sharing our medical knowledge in helping others - in the reunion bring up the matter so that we can organise some form of charity organisation , or even adopt a village in tamilnadu to cater to there medical needs .I am more than happy to operate for free any urological cancers / trans urethral resection of prostate(turp) / all penoscrotal surgeries ( which we perform under sedation and L.A ) on my visits to India , I could also conduct a WEll MAN CLINIC addressing issues like male infertility , impotence , lower urinary tract symptoms , stone disease , metabolic syndrome , haematuria ect ; we could also post difficult clinical situation (on any medical condition )on the blog for our class mates to come up with solutions - it works very well in urology as we have a multidiciplinary approach to our cancer cases .

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Naga,this your chance machaan. rent free accomodation.what say you?no sleeping on beach!!!!

  7. I was under the impression that Mr Anonymous guy''HAS LEFT THE BUILDING '' However wellcome back I think you need help bigtime - go get a life and start living man.

  8. dai nadodies,have nick name or ur name but dont use looks like writing to open space or talking to my spirit,when the spirit in control of me ok ,but i am in control of it ,i feel scared to talk to spirits like anonymous/ghost.just joking machan bcos spirit level low due to busy work-not actually working,act like working!!!!!!!!!!hehe.anyway anonymous machaan, i too need to sleep at mathi's room corridor, with his expertise known,many guys quitely will queue up ,me just a guard for him, dont miss understd me!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks anonymous machaan 4 ur info,dont tell prabar n gang, i dont have room bcos mathi offerred mine to somebody without my knowledge n prem's looks like i need to guard the beach n keep myself warm with camp fire,spirit, some veg.n vegetarian bites like mutton n chicken since both eat only veg-so i am 2 a strict vegetarian,even how high on spirit still i eat veg mutton n chicken!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. sori machaans n nadodies n anonymous since low in spiritual control, i 2 forgot to sign n became a nadody but adding an ounce of spirit,i came to senses n realies my mistake that forgotten to the above comment is mine ,w.i naga.!!!!!!!!sori guys i got the good habit of premalatha!!!!!!!!!

  10. Ravi,

    You can email the picture to me and will try to post it. I had some difficulty in the past. However if you can wait , we plan to start a blog with multiple user for classmates to post and write blogs after the meet. This is mainly for everyone to post their pictures from the reunion.


    In the last meeting we were talking about a charitable wing to our class to donate money, things to the needy patients and we can include medical mission to that as well. Hopefully we can address this during our reunion and start a core group who are interested in such activities.

  11. Prabhakar and Mathi

    I have serious concerns about the charity business. Especially when this has excited Naga a lot. He has the "licence to kill" in Malaysia which he performs to utmost sincerity. Now He wishes to extend this to the Indian population which concerns me. Having worked in Critical Care, " I see Dead People" and I do not want to be branded as a Serial Killer (Dr.Shipman) and certainly for mathi, you can contribute by performing male sterilisation and hence reduce the rate of population growth. So Chennai residents beware-" in the practice of technology transfer we may be practicing innovative ways of sending patients to "Never to Return Land" which is obviously located next to Neverland Ranch".

  12. "Nothing is more curious than the almost savage hostility that humour excites in those that lack it"....George Saintsbury!!

  13. Dear anonymous,but equally,"humour is reason gone mad."-Groucho Marx!!

  14. Dear Prabhakar
    I Will e mail you some pictures with information

  15. dear friends
    Just 30 days to go. get prepared

  16. sori machaans n nadodies,i was not able 2 b at blog yesterday due to busy work schedule of sending patients where they require to go.anyway i read with utmost interest that my sincere n humble service is required in giving to charity good machaan prabar,raghu n mathi thanks for ur humble request but i am quite tight down here itself but if u all insist of my expertise,then i hav no choice but give my expert service to them!!!!!!!!!!! prabar,mathi,raghu,prem,jeyam n prisic i send some old snap to u guys.were u able to open!!!!!!!!w.l naga

  17. Ravi,

    Your friend called about the DJ , Thanks , will follow up.

    Others, please send your photos via email, cd, hard copy so that we can work on this. Many of you have asked me of ways to help in organising this event, Now is your chance to help.

  18. when spirit n grass leads u to cliff,trust it fully & let go.only 1 of 2 things will happen,either it will help u 2 hold to something when u fall or it will teach u how to fly without wings!SO IF U NEED THE HELP OF BOTH OR EITHER OF IT.USE IT WISELY N CAREFULLY AFTER A QUALIFIED DOCTORS ADVISE N NOT BY QUACK DOCTORS!!!!!!!!!THIS IS QUATATION OF THE DAY BY SW.NAGAJI w.l naga

  19. Hi All,
    Happy to see the Blog posts,The caps are getting ready and I am really excited to se you all in just another 27 days....
    Prabhakar!once the caps are ready shall i send to you or will bring to MGM,
    Nice to see the comments from Mathi,Ram,Ravi,Prem,Banu...
    Hey Naga How are you,waiting to see you all on july 7 evening in KMC again..

  20. Hi Mathi,
    The idea about adopting a village is good,
    Am doing something similar here in Erode since 2000,If possible visit my website...
    I am educating the public about diet,prevention tips for Diabetes,CAHD(Coronary Heart Disease),obesity etc monthly once free of cost to nearl 300 to 500 persons
    We can discuss in person,bye


  21. Dear senthilvel
    nice to see ur message. i will have a look on the website

  22. Well done Senthilvel,while most of us appear to have been have been caught up in our own lives, you are doing what matters most-making a worthwhile difference to other people's lives.

  23. Prabakhar,Ravi, you think ther is a DJ in our midst who would hunt for all the popular songs of our college days,both tamil and english and compile them to play on the two evenings, esp some of the haunting Illayaraja tracks.I guess there is nothing like music to bring all the fond memories flooding back.It might appear an onerous task,but I'm sure will really be a labour of love!Must include Roxy Music's "Avalon"...


  24. hi senthil,i am really very impress n feel very humbled in front of u bcos i saw from the initial phase of organisation of reunion of ur sincere involvement n contribution to the success of it.beside that ur social work.v talk as dr.,who is keen to do charity work but never do seem to b busy going after money n worldly things but u doing what u speak,keep it up.i will visit ur mail ad. or blog u good bless u with better energy health n enthuasism.w.l naga.

  25. Mathi brought up a very important issue about doing charity work & I think we need to spend some time discussing about that. My hospital(Texas Childrens Hospital, Houston) organises a lot of such trips in coordination with various charitable groups around the globe & a few months back, I was asked to explore the possibility of conducting one in or around Chennai. These will be mainly focused on surgical specialities & Anesthesiologists. If a few of us are interested in organising this, I can follow it up here.

  26. Senthilvel, I visited your website, very impressive!

    Ram, I think you'd be the perfect choice for that "DJ amongst us"!. Why not include some popular Hindhi tracks from our time as well (Hero, QSQT, Tezaab to name a few), Bony M(By the rivers of Babylon), John Denver(Country roads) I could go on.. Our kids may not really agree with our choice of music, but who cares? This reunion is about us anyway!

  27. Thanks Kalyani,but as I will reach Chennai only on the day of the reunion,will hardly have time to get my hands on the old hindi/tamil tracks.any volunteers please?especially our friends in India.Bindu?? Suma??? Murali??I'm sure you will transform the evening.
    all my love to all the gang.

  28. Mohanan,Pratap,any ideas??

  29. Well done SenthilVel, If you are looking for Charity funds to help improve services, I will contact my local Rotary club who could contribute.Will discuss details at the union.

  30. we will get an official DJ, but someone who will be adaptable to our taste . So Ram keep collecting music and will find out the format.


    South India has become very good for medical care, but one has to pay out of pocket. Insurance groups are also becoming important players.

    There are many ways to help , equipment such as monitors are of great help, especially the portable ones. I have volunteered in a remote place in TN border; where I donated a pulse oximeter 4 years ago. Till present that is the only monitor for the 30 plus surgeries done there every three months or so. So we can discuss all ways to help during the reunion.

  31. Dear Ram
    Thanks for your thaughts about Dj. Initially i was keen to do but i realised we have only few hours to meet after 20 years so doing this we will loose meeting people. As prabhakar said let we have official DJ but we can ask for the song or music of our choice.

  32. Hi Senthilvel
    I visited your website and it was fantastic. I enjoyed the complication section especially the pictures on diabetic retinopathy. My special interest is paediatric diabetes and we can discuss when we meet in August. I also saw you photograph giving lecture and you look the same as undergaduate days.

  33. Hi Raghu can you define "seeing buffalo" for benefit of others who would have forgotten this term
    I feel sorry for my dear old friend Naga as he is getting pulled so much. Few months back came across email from one of his students who had praised Naga as one of the best teachers in Penang. We are proud of you Naga
