Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Photo Project-Part Deux

We have been receiving many photos, but not enough.  Many of you wanted to help us in the past. This is your opportunity. Please send your KMC pictures to Jeyam, Jayalakshmi or me, and call your friends and remind them about this project.

 Emails; Jeyam( and Jayalakshmi(, Prabhakar( 

Missing from the comment section are the Indian readers of the blog. Please participate by commenting.

Now about the cow. This particular cow came our flat one year ago to transport an iron bed to my sister's house. Though India is hurtling towards space age, our humble cow is not going to be pushed to the sideline. For finding its role in modern India as well its ability to stop or slow down our  motorists (from the kamikaze school of driving) ;I dedicate this blog entry to the Majestic Indian Cow.


  1. Well, Prabhakar, you can't get greener than that. Al Gore will be proud of the Great Indian Cow!

  2. Prabhakar uncle,that looks more a bull rather than a cow to me !
    -Evangeline Daniel

  3. it is nice to c the other side of india n it is pathetic 2 c the cow malnourish,tired n my opinoin ,i feel u should have provided the cow with grass n thertheam,2 nourish n cheer it up, to keep up with the torture of human do other animals 4 their own benefit!!!!!!!!!hehehe w.l naga

  4. Prabhakar

    FYI, we do not use cows to pull carts in India. Of all people you should know better. It eventually required Evangeline (I presume she is Rachula's daughter)to point out the mistake you have made. Obviously relying on Naga to correct this is waste of time. He obviously cannot differentiate from artery and vein and continues to nick them at surgery Most of his patients see "buffalo" anyway.

    Should we be considering a "cataract surveilance" at the re-union. I am sure Senthil Vel can arrange this.

  5. Prabhakar

    Regarding Photos

    Can somebody collect photos from Latha's place in Shenoy Nagar please. The number to contact is 26262271. If you need someone to deliver these to your place please give them your address.

  6. Dear Prabhakar
    As Raghu said we never used cows to pull carts. it is ox which is used in the field or pull the cart

  7. Thank you for sending the photos. Special thanx to Kasung, Naga, Raghuram, Rachula, Priscilla, Prabhu & Prathap. I am sifting through them. I will try put together the best pictures. Unfortunately some of them don't project very well. I am trying to work on those photos with the help of Adobe Photoshop ! keep them coming.


  8. Raghu dont knock naga's confidence - he is the only guy who has taken smelling salts to test the olfactory nerve in our final MB exam - dont worry about him he is recently peri - andropausal i will sort him out with a testosterone patch .

  9. Senthivel i checked our your website - looks grand and nice to see you doing charity work - if you need any help regarding end stage renal disease , renal transplantation or erectile dysfunction in diabetic patients please do not hesitate to contact - maybe i could lecture on ED at your center to your diadetic patients

  10. Prabakar we will not make a big fuss on the programme - just meeting all our class mates itself excites me : Prof Pricilla is doing a great job and i promised her a bottle of kingfisher beer for her tolerance with me in my delay in sending my clans photos .

  11. Raghu the bull reminds me of your NANDHI story -

  12. Prabakar i think its time for you to also go onto HRT long with naga for posting a fusida and calling it orchid and posting a bull and calling it a cow - however we will pardon you if you post naga and call him a cow .

  13. Evangeline,

    Please allow me to correct myself. "The blog is dedicated to the Majestic Indian Maadu".

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Dear friends, beware of poking too much fun at the great Nagu Swamiji. From what I have read so far on the blog ,he appears to possess great powers from spirit and grass,one of which I hear, is transforming people posting naughty comments in to great Indian Maadus!!


  16. Raghu, keep blogging!nice to have a laugh.


  17. dai machaans, thks 4 talking good thinks about me.but if u tell 2 much good thinks like raghu,the blog administrator cant tolerate n take it out bcos others might be jealous of me!!!!!!!!!hhehe,i dont know i was such a genius at college time that it brings some much pleasant n good memories 2 all of u but how come machaans i cant remember any of this things ya!!!!!!!
    why prabar call us maadus.does he knowS malay means in malay honey.i feel shy ya!!!!!!
    aei,mathi why u want to give me high tag medicine then i change to transformer,u know! but i dont want another old transformer beside me prabar bcos he is a TERMINATOR!!!!!!!!HAHAHA THEN I DONT WANT THE ICE AGE PEOPLE(LIKE PREM N OTHERS) IN THE BLOG TO LAUGH LIKE THE NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM!!!!!!!!!HIHIHI

  18. hai raghu my mapalai,how many time i tell u went u giving ur worldly discourse to common people,u should do with the influence of thertheam n veg.but u dont take my advise n u take with the influence of ketamine n profofol(new med.),u will land up seeing cow which appears buffalo n u will be given a ticket to meet the nanthi the deity,to get follow naga's deduction never say things u will say 2 time n say things u wont say everytime n u 2 will achieve nirvana n come swamiji raghu.try telling my saying few times n think it over.if u can understd my deduction .please tell me the meaning bcos i myself dont no what i is all by the grace n influence of good spirit,i had just!!!!!!!!!!hahaha w.l naga

  19. Raghu,

    Will call Latha's family and get the pics.


    The cow ,sorry Maaadu is in good health and not malnourished. May be when you come I could introduce the Maadu to you. I have the owner's cell no.

  20. Raghu,

    Will call Latha's family and get the pics.


    The cow ,sorry Maaadu is in good health and not malnourished. May be when you come I could introduce the Maadu to you. I have the owner's cell no.

  21. hey my good fren prabar,i know fool.i know u have forwarded to the owner of my blog posting.i also know that in india even in remote area they have cellph. n computer that maadu owner would have arrange 4 tharumaaddi 4 u just want me to call n get it.but u should know my smartness from my posting n others on best thing 2 do is escape n keep far away from him n give the maadu the honey i promise!!!!!!!!just joking ,no ht feeling mapalai,w.l naga

  22. Prabhakar

    apologies if my comment was rude enough to be censored.


    I am still amazed at the clarity with which you are sending the messages. Cannot understand one thing that you are trying to say. If you communicate to your patients this way they will probably see the "buffalo" even before you pick up your knife. You are the "real Buffalo Soldier " in the eyes of our Guruji Bob Marley. God save your patients.
    As for your comment "How come I do not remember any of this", everything you did those days still remains very pleasant in our memories. How can we forget somebody who suggest Atropine for Glaucoma when this still remains a contra-indication.

    Finally please do not feel offended if my comments are rude. Your sense of humour is one thing that we can never forget and nice to see this quality of yours still remains despite you becoming the great "Malai Erum Thiruttu Saamiyar"


    Nice to hear from you. What you see through blog is only a taster. Plenty to come at the re-union. Thesr are sober blogs. Drunken blogs shall be delivered in person.



  23. hai my best of best fren prem,what happen to u,there r so many praises n admiration of my genius during medical college time, which is spoken in the blog n some of my knowledge,i still imparting to them till come u suddenly became quiet n not seen in blog.r u having laughing attack,till u develop allergic rhinitis at reading the blog comments that u cant type something or u have spouse attack 4 spending 2 much time in blog,work n book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!say something man.please tell something bad about me bcos all telling everything good about me.i am shy ya

    aey my good n a fren who is available when in need raghu - u have achieved nirvana bcos u have identified- the big guru who i follow n only english songs i listen with interest is guruji u can open a branch there in uk,get the lion club to sponsor a ranch 4 our activities!!!!!!!!!!.u r my buddy in need,ur comment never will hurt brings laugh n cheers n old memories to me ,sugan,karti n thretti.
    without forgetting my brotherly fren mathi,who is always hapi n admire everything n think of nice things n always tell good think about me n nature.i miss u all.v meet n merry of our good days nx month.
    to rest of my frens who i didnt mention r participating n watching our blog comment.i am very hapi if u all r having a good laugh n fun at the on going blog comment bcos u hapiness is my hapiness.remember life is short ,so have fun n dont harm or think bad 4 any one n enjoy the beauty of realise it while preparing my talk on palliative care which i suppose 2 give on tuesday n i sorting out my china/mongolia snaps as slide background.w.l naga

  24. Dear Swami Nagaji,I am profoundly moved by all the adulation and outpouring for you on the blog. Although I thought I would'nt return to the blog, my devotion to you dictates otherwise. So I've composed another limerick in your honour....Perhaps this could become your n bhajan.

    Swami Nagaji went on a Yatra
    With a "kute"little nymph called Killiopatra.
    He only taught women disciples,
    Being an atma of great principles,
    And his discourse was always the Kamasutra.!!!

    Jai guruji!!jai jai guruji,


  25. Rusputin (Good Disguise)

    Very cool limerick, But I beg to differ with you on some of it.

    Some people close to Naga SAY
    He has recently turned GAY
    So he has no female disciples to TEACH
    Only strong gay men to PREACH
    He has the Licence to Kill
    But he has taken things to the Hill
    He is giving a talk on Palliation
    But all he believes in his Termination.

    Yours sincerely


  26. dear swami Nagaji,Who this rascal PP Nanda and scoundrel Rasputin spoiling good my name and ur honour?pls cast evil spell on them so whenever they take Ur name in vain,their clothes vanish...esp at reunion.!!

    Kruel Killiopatra.

  27. Dai Rasputin and Nanda,
    Reunionikku Vaangadaa,
    Waiting for you
    Chappal and shoe
    And nice soodu sooda vada!!

    Kovamanna KIlliopatra!!

  28. To Kool Killiopatra.....

    Truth be told my lovely,
    Your language is truly flowery.
    Betray swamiji and come to me,
    Together the world we shall see
    While Naga is lost in non-stop rhapsody!!


  29. In Ur dreams budddy....
    Run before you loose your Chaddi.

    Kross Killiopatra.

  30. Dier Swaamiji,how much more I take?Pls come to damsel rescue!!!these vulgar fellows wont leave me alone.
    Kanmani Killiopatra.

  31. Raghu,Maamaa
    Me impressed with Ur humor. may be I accomodate you along with swaamiji.but no chance for rasputin.he make fun of me in pome...

    Koochi Koochi Killiopatra.

  32. Killiopatra

    You seem like a damsel in distress
    But Naga cannot have a mistress
    He pretends to have come of age
    but "he is the only gay in the village"

  33. Dear Swamiji is it true
    That you have got your own crew?
    But what about me...
    And the loving visions I see?
    I sincerely hope you drink both brew..

    Krumbling killiopatra.

  34. hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!iey all my good friends in blog,u made me n my family laugh nonstop till tears flow.Now instate of coming kamasutra or terminator swamiji,i became laughing swamiji at home,till my sons give a second look when i at our blog.hope they dont call the mental hospital!!!!!!!
    2 my rasputin,i am very hapi 2 c u in blog again.i miss ur poetic n witty english....still the cat in me disturb ,who is this person but i believe in individuals wil kill the cat at reunion when u tell me,till that let them guessing machaan.But 1 think i am not hapi with u,i got u the job of my promoter to my sect group but i didnt expect u to over through me n take my sincere n dedicated disciples especially killiopatra,she suppose 2 recruit more disciple.
    well my fren in need raghu,me planning 2 open a gay group, is in uk since,i heard there r no. of anaes n paeds r i want u to do my job, in my absence since u have reach nirvana n got a sponsor from lion club 4 a ranch.u cant let others know about theiruthu swami's keep away from rasputin n killio.i believe in divide n rule if not u fellows will topple me for materialistic LOVE!!!!!
    well my dear killiopatra dont take anything in heart usually the young followers will be full of evil spirit,i will get rid of it by giving them thertheam.If still no changes then i give u the power of evil spell u wish.pls use on them to varnish their clothes.But dont try 2 use on swamiji bcos by time u tell the spell i would have reach nirvana n walking with no piece!!!!!!!!!haha w.l naga

  35. Hi Naga
    Did you not see my comment about your greatness in last blog. I will repaet it for the benefit of others. Recently I read email from one of Naga's students who had described him as a one of the best teachers in Penang.

    why are you removing the blog comments from Raghu. I am very keen to know what he has written.

    See you all in August


  36. Oh Swami why this rift?
    Thought you had much more grit.
    That killiopatra is a cruel wench,
    Our sect apart she is trying to wrench.
    Now me thinks I need some "grass and sprit."



  38. aey my fren rasputin ur rhyme puzzles me n test my limited brain cell to the maximum,thus i need the help of good ounce of spirit n a packet of spring roll to stimulate the neurotransmitter to reach ur message to to brain cell 2 process the info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaha.w.lnaga

  39. Raghu nice to see you rapping (i think you inherited from your son arun ) - nice use of the phrase '' the only gay in the village'' from little britain and lovely killopatra i like your lines from goodness gracious me - (in your deams and kiss my chiddi's )
    Killopatra dont worry naga would not understand any of these things - nakanda is a simple man with a simple mind and may your love blossom into many kids .

  40. naga so i understand you are into spritual healing - remember it aint easy being god - millions of people making all the wrong choices and turning round and blaming god ''

  41. Killiopatra,
    your comments are really cute.

    I am becoming a fan of your writing style.

    But enough of being anonymous guys...why don't you both come out in the open and reveal yourselves?

    Look at Raghu...he can write good too...and he is not hiding....


  42. Dear Banu Behen,thankyou for Ur comment.But Raghu Maamaa has promised drunken blogs in person to every one...Me highly alarmed.What means he?but may be the good Swami Naagaji will make his clothes vanish at reunion,and he be more busy looking for new jatti..So no, me no reveal myself.Only Raghu Maamaa "reveal" all when clothes vanish!!!!

    Kunning Killiopatra.

  43. Mathi

    I suspect Killiopatra is a male, so would suit Naga. Run Killio run!!!! But kids may be out of question.

    As far as Rusputin and Killio are concerned, another rap is on the way. Will do this when I get back from work.


    What do you mean I can write good too, the other guys should have learnt from me. "CHee PoYYa you are very Naughty" C U at the union.


  44. Raghu, Maamma, me most hurt ,you calling beautiful,innocent damsel 'male'.Me only trying to build you up for reunion.
    Swaamiji , Mathi,Pls come to damsel rescue.

    Krestfallen Killiopatra.

  45. Dear Naga
    Nagaji you are aswamiji
    You are a monk you like 'old monk'
    you like 'men' and man and the monkey
    you do monkey dancing
    You like dried grass and you smoke weed

  46. Dear Swaamiji Naga,
    Your Killio has gone gaga.
    I doubt her true intentions,
    Inspite of all her pretentions,
    This is going to be one stormy saga....


    Dear Raghu,

    I have nothing to do with that trollop Killio.

    your thambi Rasputin.

  47. Dai,Dai Rasputin,
    Lover of the Russian King,
    Who do you think you really are???

    Dai Dai Rasputin,
    Indias's greatest flop machine,
    It is a shame you still carry on...

    In tune to BoneyM's Ra Ra Rasputin.

    Kerb Crawling Killioptara.

  48. Looks like your feathers have been finally ruffled darling Killio!!!

    Do I sense some bitterness in your verse?

    What about your usual sangfroid??


  49. Dear Prabhakar
    It is high time for next picture and blog please

  50. Hey guys i am just fascinated with the amount of hidden talents you guys are just bring out . Off course Damsel Killopatra you will allways be my sister in law (im sure judging by your manner of writing you are a young bird ) if you are chatting up naga ( by the way cerb crawling is a typical british phrase - i suspect you have a blighty connection ) anyway keep the mail's coming and looking forward to a bit of mud wrestling between killo and rusputin over naga in the reunion.

  51. Raghu yogi xxx
    Get your rap out for great britain

  52. At our re-union we will get Naga Drunk
    with our traditional rum "old Monk"
    We will top it up with a little bit of POT
    This will put Swami Naga on a SPOT
    Killio and rusputin should run in FRIGHT
    when you see our beloved naga in SIGHT
    If not nothing will remain the SAME
    If he starts to play DADDY DADDY GAME
    IF you don't believe me ask our friend Mathi
    Even better would be Langkawi GANAPATHI

  53. Wow!! I didn't know there are so many poets in our class! I think years of family life wisdom has transformed them from young doctors to wise old poets!!!( or is it just loads of your fav'rit theerthams??)

  54. totally exhilarated and excited at the thought of seeing almost everyone at the Re-U. Raghuram, your comments are blogilicious and simply hilarious !even though you have switched from prose to poem. Naga seems to have a bad case of verbal diarrhea( no offense meant).Prabhakar, you remind me of George Clooney with your salt and pepper hair do!
    Rasputin, U truly are a master of the English lang! Are you Natesh? full disclosure pl

    And a shout out to all the girls/ladies out there, pl come out swinging. The last time i remember, 25 years ago there was no dearth of opinions from the XX chromosomes!

  55. Premalatha

    What do you mean "wise old poets"? I am only 22 years old ( + 120 months). Poetry is in the genes. It has come out of hibernation.

  56. Now we are Rocking!!!!. We have got Ramzan out of the closet. Only a matter of time when Rusputin and Killiopatra will reveal their true identities.

    Nice to hear from you Ramzan. I still remember the secret language that you used to communicate with your friends. I have been unable to use it till now. Can't wait to use it on you. C U at the reunion. INform all your friends about the blog and get them to atleast read this. They will automatically participate.



  57. Now we are Rocking!!!!. We have got Ramzan out of the closet. Only a matter of time when Rusputin and Killiopatra will reveal their true identities.

    Nice to hear from you Ramzan. I still remember the secret language that you used to communicate with your friends. I have been unable to use it till now. Can't wait to use it on you. C U at the reunion. INform all your friends about the blog and get them to atleast read this. They will automatically participate.



  58. Rap bro raghu yoghi xxx - great rap - are we going to get more of it in the reunion - we should get lankawi ganapathi for a bit of action in Mahabs - last i heard of naga was that he has stopped drinking but has got into '' sex ,drugs and rock an roll -
    keep up the kmc sprit none of our guys have changed

  59. Mathi

    Rap is definitely in the RE-union Charter
    Depends on how many of us have "quarter"
    All of them may not be in ENGLISH
    Tanglish (Tamil + English) certainly will be TICKLISH
    All those hiding in the closet start to Talk
    or be prepared to take a long WALK
    Rusputin and Killio reveal UR IDENTITY
    if not brace yourselves for all the CRUELTY
    Since Naga is watching all your MOVE
    He will unleash his weapon if you do not fit the GROOVE.

  60. Vasanthy Partha
    Hi guys.I've reviewed the powerpoint presentation with the info n photos of r classmates which was prepared by Pricilla.Also included the latest changes.Its nearly ready for digitalising.A copy will be ready for the meet.Any changes to be made pls send it immediately to pricilla or myself at you have not sent ur family photograph send it at the earliest.

  61. premalatha-

    Hey Raghu, Ask Latha to come out of hibernation first.
    Ramzan,good to see you on board.Keep peeping in the blog of'en
    Come on girls, ignore some of the 'olarals' of the guys, and pop out some of ur commenz plz.

  62. Premalatha

    It is better for Latha to stay in HIBERNATION
    Since this allows my continued PARTICIPATION
    Please do not rock the BOAT
    I do not want to be the SCAPEGOAT

  63. Dear friends
    Will there be national award winning song Vaa munima will be there for the evening?
    PP Nanda to answer

  64. Hi Raghu
    When did you become Wordsworth
    Is it the influence of living in UK or influence of Nitrous/ Ketamine in theatre?
    I am looking forward to your tamil/hindi poetic skills - Vani munima, howa howa, theatrella seatelle etc etc in the reunion. Hope your long term memory is intact.

    Hi Ramzan and Premalatha
    Nice to hear from you both. See you at the reunion. You are right, I will ask Latha to come out of her hibernation.

    I am suprised not to see any comment from you in the last 24 hours. Are you practising penance of silence or used loperamide to stop your diarrhoea , meant verbal diarrhoea.
    Even I though i dont understand a word of yours, seeing your writing in the blog makes me laugh.


  65. Ravi

    PP Nanda has become a Publicly Polite Nanda of late. However it depends on the amount of ALL Kulla ALL (Alcohol) consumption that will make me return me back to previous state.


    Veettu pakkam vanthe, Mavuna Kai kaala odingidum.
    Naan Nalla irukkurathu pudikkalaya?
    It will cost £10 for translation Charges.

  66. Move over guys,Ramzan is here.
    This is all getting very interesting.Thanks to our very own George Clooney ,the blog scene is quite the entertainment, I dont even get the urge to watch Saturday Night Live anymore. Rasputin and Killiopatra have what it takes to keep us enthralled.Mathi and Naga-I think you inspired them to bring out their dormant poetic genius.

    My guess- Ramkumar Rajesh is Rasputin, he signed off in a huff, thankfully has returned back with a vengeance. Initially I thought Killiopatra is Raghuram's alter ego, but I am starting to suspect it is VinodChandran.

    Keep the good work going.


  67. naga /raghu /prem i am joining you guys a married bachelor boy - viji and kids packed off to kodai on her class reunion at the same weekend ( but boys i am still allowed only one glass of beer )

  68. meenakshi nice to see you on the circuit any news about meera ?

  69. Actually Meenakshi, I think you are dead right and center!regarding Rasputin and Killio. I had forgotten Vinod-with his dry wit and wry sense of humor. And only Ram can use words like'sangfroid"!Recalling the words' Ra Ra Rasputin, Russia's famous love machine.... do u think the glove fits?
    Where are the voices of the yonderyears? Latha, Sunitha, Rajashree, Bindu Mathews, Speak now or forever hold your peace-no, I dont mean that, PLZ speak!
    Naga, stop slumbering and start gelling!
    p.s. Raghuram , that was "P " language and spoken only amongst those with Einstein-ish IQ's

  70. Lord Naga please cast some light,
    This damsel is putting up a big fight!
    Come clean Killio,
    Or else we'll grill you,
    And we'll keep pressing you till we're right!!


  71. sori machaans n machiinis,
    i went into deep mediatation/trance after a dost of spirit and war of words between my dear rasputin n luving killio over the kirriku samiyer
    but the creaky n high pitch voice of that thin damsel,who came n joint the blog wagon distracted s my mediatation.......whoisit?????whoisit???it sound very familiar!!!!!!! oh ya that is my thin fren ramzan.nice c ing u in blog my good fren!!!!!!!!-sunday is my observation day of blog!!!!!!!!hehehe.
    i hope more will join the blog n loosen themselve rather then keeping up tight!!!!whatsay u
    raghu u rap is 2 good till the damsel infront cant disturb me but u tickle my heart n disturb the brother in me!!!!!!!!!
    killio u r a wonder n a sodapotti which tickles the evil spirit in me.u appear more attractive in ur english/tamil poetic rap than the rusty rasputin.thumps up 4 u
    before i forget,is the meenakshi,who i c in blog ,my racky sis........welcome sis
    rasputin u r a crust in my heart ,which is difficult to scrap but dont grab n crab my innocent damsel to the brim!!!!!!!!!!!!w.l naga

  72. We are darn right, Ramzan. the glove better fit.
    What the heck is "sangfroid", anyways?
    Yes, Naga.this is your Rakhee sis.

  73. Honourable Naga Swamiji,
    I think ur almost 24 hrs 'mouna vratham' on board gave more guts and freedom for other new bloggers to throw some light here. Now, all bloggers are spellbound with ur Greek discourse, that they r all too busy pulling their hairs to make some sense of it.That's why the blog is silent now! May be u should employ one of ur disciples as ur interpretor. Then all the bloggers will turn into ur disciples!!!

    (Take it light Swamiji!)


  74. Wow, The blog is getting too long!!Prabhakar, isn't time to start a new post?
    Thanks Ramzan for confirming my guesses about Rasputin & Killiopatra. I think thier IDs should remain mysterious until the reunion, because it makes the blog very interesting to read & have a good laugh!
    Nagu Swamiji, Raghu Yogi/poet, continue the good work & keep us entertained.

  75. Dai Kaali pasangala(Raghu, Mathi,Naga)
    Nalla pasanga seshadrinathan, Nagasubbu eppadi yarayavathu nallatha ezudha sollunga.

  76. why the silences in the blog!
    where the oldies gone in hiding,
    chasing materialistic gain with vain,

    is it the storm before the rain!!!

    why the newcomer talk with vengence n self pity,
    the floor is open to everybody,
    put no restriction but radiate luv to others n joint the blog wagon to nirvana
    is the rasputin n killio took the path of peace n left the life wire swamiji to the mercy of neither a he or she- raghu!!!!!!!!!!!!w.l naga

    ai,sis in rakhee,it brings a rocky reminicence of rakhee!!!!!!!
    which gives heartaching deliverance of a sis,
    which u dont want but shaft into u,
    though time heals n bring a wonderful sis
    which is lost n found with good memory!!!!!!!!!!!w.l naga

  77. Aint that something!!!!!, Thiruttu Samiyar Naga has started Rapping. Maybe all the others who are hiding should hang their head in shame. Partly because they are hiding away from the participation and also that when Naga can rap so can they. Get out and participate.

    FYI, I do not do things behind screen, No alter ego, no anonymous blogs. What I feel is what comes out with true identity. So rest assured folks, the comments I make are my original ones and none are hidden.

    However I find some more people are trying to peek out of their closets and are coming out with anonymous or fictitious names(EMDEN). It is rather boring or repetitive. You should have some originality and do not follow footsteps of Rusputin and Kiilio (who by the way are in for severe violence at the re-union inflicted upon by our samiyar whichever way deemed appropriate). So continuing in this thread may not be advisable. So my dear friends when you come out with blogs come clean. Otherwise you shall be ignored or we may resort to violence with weapons of mass destruction (Swine Flu Virus).

    Glad to see Meenakshi in the blogs. Well done. Where are your friends Sudha and Radha hiding? Seek them out.



  78. This blog is getting truly interesting...

    Raghu, guys are a's been fun reading your posts..

    Naga the Swamy...sorry , unable to decipher your discourse!!

    Ram...your music request has been noted...consider it done.

    Rasputin and Killio...come clean..why would you want to hide behind strange names??

    Ramzan, Prem, meenakshi, banu...nice to see you all on board...


  79. I have just had a mail from Meera. She is busy at work, but has promised to come for the reunion. Naga, Mathi, Raghu & Prathap are coming as married bachelor boys, I guess we can expect some action. Vinod seems rather quite (unless he is Killio)


  80. Suma,Ramzan,Meenakshi, nice to hear from you guys. Hope the rest of the gang will soon follow suit.

    Mohanan,I was hoping you would have entered
    the fray by now ,but can see that better judgement has prevailed given Swami Naga's
    proclivity for the bizzare,the unpredictable and more recently the Muses.

    And Naga is at a loss for words to describe the almost surreal spell you cast on the rest of us,in your complex and lifechanging discourses.Shall forever remain your avid follower.

    Raghu ,you are quite a "revelation".Not quite in the same way that killio meant.You remain as ever the life,soul and voice of our gang. Daily blog mandatory.

    Mathi,good show old boy.Keep engaging swaamiji.

    And Suma, if you really are doing a compilation, please include Don Maclean's "Vincent."Cant forget the countless time I listened to it lying on the football pitch staring up at the "Starry,starry Night..",
    with friends, quite inebriated obviously.

    Also, now really get the feeling the reunion is up and running, going through the blog the last few days.

    Good Luck friends, and God Bless.


  81. Also,Kalyani, going back to your first message on this post,I'm not too sure about about your Great Green Indian Cow.

    Was under the impression that cows, Indian, or for that matter, any other nationality, are hugely responsible for green house gases(methane),from their belching and you know what.

    But I may be wrong. Pls correct me.
    best wishes.

  82. Dear All

    Seeing all your comments about our beloved Naga, it is fairly evident that we need a proper english translator to interpret his divine comments. Plus when he attends the re-union we should get him to attend a mandatory crash course on grammar and spellings.

    Or should we erect a statue of our beloved Swamiji sitting on his favourite animal (Buffalo) next to the canteen at KMC. The Plaque should read

    "Here lies the greatest surgeon who delivered eternal happiness to his patients" For all your surgical problems please contact


    or visit our website at

    If you have survived the first operation then please go to our sister concern at

    First consultation is free. You may choose to pay for the second consultation if you are still alive.

    Glad to see blogs from newcomers. Welcome Suma to our forum. Hope it is reassuring that you are not alone in deciphering swamiji's blabbering.

  83. I think at this point, Naga is producing more Methane than the cow/ox/bull.
    Pl. Prabhakar, heed our cries and start a new Post!
    also naga, you are sorely mistaken, my voice was/is mellifluous and melodious, if you had cared to listen. You are a lovable fruitcake, but u are a little too'nutty" .
    Suma, nice to see you on, can you make the others come out of the woodwork?
    Meenakshi, I'm still scrambling to find the meaning of Sangfroid, Proclivity, Maadu etc

  84. Dear Friends
    All of you just targeting NagaJi. Poor swamiji in meditation. In spiritual state he writes his answers just like writing of the killer in the film 'Anniyan'. We need someone like prakash Raj to do permutation and combination.
    what is happening to indian friends murali, BObo... please come to the fray

  85. Suma
    Nice to hear from you , so hows life? i am sure you are a dedicated Doc - looks like we are all going to have a fab time at madras . Take care and see you at the reunion.

  86. Ram its been great fun over the last few weeks on the kmc blog - i expect a bit of mud wrestling between Rusputin and our lovely Killo over naga (killo we are all in full support of you , go get him girl ) however killo just warning you - naga is into '' smack me hard and call me barbara '' types

  87. Raghu naga's epitaph should read
    '' Naga drank good ale,
    good punch and wine
    And lived to the age of 99.

    or maybe :

    "I told you I was sick!"

  88. Who this witty woman scolding swaamiji and blowing harsh trumpet about her mal-odious voice?
    nutty fruitcake swamiji may be,
    and methane maybe he produce by the tankerful,,
    but his heart simple and soul kind.
    he no fire poison arrow.
    instead spread message of love for reunion.

    Kibosh Killiopatra.

  89. aey raghu,
    rapping is in ur blood,
    if u dont know,
    u ask mathi or arun!!!!!
    get the malaysian rap,
    let ur reunion dj 2 juggle,
    u will c the olddy n newcomer gyrate,
    to the rhytm which will rock them
    to nirvana of music
    indian music follower, will go gaga!!!!!!!!

    aey my ramzan
    sori 4 the poke,
    which was no joke,
    me short of vocabulary to juggle,
    landup with gogo word,
    which made u gaga,
    thanks 4 ur nutty fruitycake,
    with topping of ur melodies voice,

    aey my killio,
    u r my guardtoe!!
    u save me from gutter
    but dont possess n opsess me,
    2 the pole of NIRVANA!!!!

    aey my suma,
    u cant decipher my discourse,
    go 4 algebra class,
    if still unable 2 decipher,
    thank the almighty,
    bcos swamiji have only 4 chambers
    n it is full with disciples,
    who is at war to clog my my vessels,
    2 cut the lifewire,
    thus u wait ,ur turn!!!
    u need,ur turn

  90. Aw GREAT..Rasputin is masquerading as Naga,(as if signing w.l. naga will do the trick),and now we have killio who is starting to be a Rasputin wannabe.
    Funny,flirty killio is cuter than "rasputinoid" killio

  91. Disclaimer:
    I did'nt refer to this most recent rap by naga(aey ramzan,aey suma etc), that has the naga touch(e.g opsession)
    I was refering to "is it the storm before the rain", rap.

    Upon closer scrutiny, I realize it is not Rasputin. Sorry, Rasputin. It is someone else
    trying to boost Naga's image, signing as w.l naga. I have a few guesses.
