Thursday, July 2, 2009

Minutes of the meeting. 27-6-2009


Old Business
Contact List-  Priscilla and Banu report that only 20 more to be; contacted and informed about the reunion. We will wind up these efforts soon.         

Reunion Attendees- Room booking will stop on July 10th. We will make calls to classmates who have agreed to come to the reunion or have expressed interest.

New Business

Money Allocation-  Money will be set aside for Friday 7th August event, Address Book( Muralidharan will let us know the amount), Bus transport on August 8th, Official photographer(Vasanthy to organise), Banners  and Music DJ. Gift ideas not considered at this point.

Permission -  Will contact The Dean KMC, special guests for the Friday 7th meet. Viswanathan will follow up this.

 Slide show -  Jeyam has agreed to prepare a slide show as part of the 8th August, 2009 program. In this regard we     would like classmates to send the pictures to Priscilla so that she can scan them and send it to Jeyam. We would like the hard copy, so that we can digitize them with professional help. This is a major responsibility and Priscilla has kindly agreed undertake this. We will be very careful with the pictures and will return them during the reunion.   Will provide further details of this project soon. Please wait for  an update.

Other Business
Programme-  An outline of the programme for 7th and 8th   August was made. The Saturday programme is tentatively - departure from KMC by 11 hrs, lunch at MGM, activities /games, group photo before sun down, official programme followed by dinner and music.

Prabhakar Devavaram



  1. hi prabar,priscilla,murli,banu,vasanthi,viswa,jeyam,rasputin n rest of u all involved actively or passively n sacrificing ur valuable work n family time 4 organising this reunion after v 1st met 25yrs back to this big extend,i have to say my humble appreciation n a big thanks n salute n god's blessing be with u all.U r great people in ur own way.At the same time,i must ask my apology if i have directly or indirectly hurt anybody in anyway by my comment.i must also tell u if u find fault in me, dont blame me but the spirit n grass which have control over me, rather than this poor naga who is nice guy with no bad intention or double meaning.n only think i know in life is enjoy n appreciate every moment,place,people,animals,plants n ext. god created.HOW IS IT MACHAN, AM I PHLOSIPHICAL!!!!!!!!WHAT TRY TO BE GOOD BUT THE BAD SPIRIT DISTURB ME TO BE NAUGHTY.HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

  2. Prabhakar,
    Wouldn't it be much easier to send digital copies to Jeyam directly?

  3. dier naga baby.pls no say sorry.U have big following hit for 6 and clean bowled by ur wit and geniass.yoe lord may be me ur lady.nee thaan yen laardd!!!


  4. Dear Prabhakar
    I am happy to do the anchoring if it is alright
    I Have kodaikanal photos, our cricket trip to pune photos at chennai. can someone pick it up from my home?
    Ravi S

  5. Good point Kalyani. If anyone can send a good digital copies its great. But we are looking for uniform quality, hence doing with professional help. But good quality digital copies are welcome.

    And Jeyam, priscilla please comment on this as well. Ravi- email your address/phone no in chennai to me and we will pick it up

    Keep the comments flowing ; including the SMS english.

  6. Dear friends,
    It is a wonderful idea to have a personal profile. I congratulate Priscilla for that. i am eagerly awaiting for the reunion. Please let me know if I can do anything. My daughter can help me in movie making and background music. My no. is 98410 85713 and my email id is:


  7. Hi naga
    your non stop bantering on the blog has created a lot of excitement and also confusion regarding what language you are using to write. Is it English or chinese or Mongolian you have learnt recently. you had written that you appreciate plants, did you mean the alkaloid prepared from the plant or the flowers of the plant, photo of which has been posted by Prabhakar.
    I missed checking blog for last 2 days and enjoyed reading about 40 comments. Please post more photos. See you all at reunion

  8. prabakar nice to see the reunion is taking shape nicely - i am sure we are going to have a great time just being in madras since it has been some time since i visited india - naga i do not understand what the f**k you are saying man, you are not allowed more than three lines on each of your comments - is kannan going to trace the'' man with the monkey ''for some local jungle juice for the reunion? got fed up with the martini ,chivas and the wine - dont worry about prem he gets drunk drinking ginger beer . all you guys keep up the good work which is much appreciated - we will make sure we have a great time, hows natti nowadays ?

  9. jayalakshmi do you still play batmiton - if your daughter is into making movies she can film what naga gets upto in the reunion and post a copy to his wife suganthi.anyway nice to hear from you , and hope life is treating you well.

  10. Viswanathan, great to see your involvement in the reunion from the beginning ( are you still into those multicolor shirts ?) rather than getting the current dean of kmc who all of us dont know , we should be inviting one of our teachers who has taught us to have the previlage of bing our chief guest, we should also plant a tree in the kmc campus marking the reunion event .

  11. hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!i thought i was writing in english,after reading the comment.i realise most of them reading my comment cant read english!!!hehe.if u all take movie of me,it is ok,send to my wife.sori i am not to my sister ok.but please dont up load or down load in u tube bcos i am shy ya.thanks to my good fren killopatra to encourage my to keep commenting being my 1st follow.thanks to the badminton player to take movie of me.thanks mathi to be nonselected director n financier.without forgetting prem who keep reminding my good command of english.!!!!!!!!oops time to go to work.bye.c u all in nx comment.w.l naga

  12. is prabar n committe going 2 show movie n take movie? i have to know,then i have to behave to my best n at least dress better than shah rukh khan!!!!!!!!if he is not taking then i wear simple dressing either 1 piece or 2 please tell me ya.i am serious into acting!!!!!!!!!!w.l naga

  13. sori,sori,sori ya. i forgot to ask something,no offence ya,it is not i want to write but when i c ur blog my hand goes to typing something.IS THE FLOWER U PUT UP POPPY FLOWER.PLS TELL YA, IF NOT THE CAT IN ME WILL DIE OF CURIOUSITY. w.l naga

  14. dier Nagu,if u r plan to get flower for me,get POPPY,my litl PUPPY.I can smell it,U can eat it n we both get high together.


  15. Mathi,

    We need the KMC dean to use KMC premises for the event on friday 7th. But we are only planning to invite a few of our teachers. any suggestions are welcome. We are planting a tree .Its Rajalakshmi who played Badminton and she is coming as well.

    Naga- the flower pic is an orchid from a garden in Sikkim.

  16. thanks prabar 4 ur information about the orchid from sikkim.i could recognise it since malaysia is very famous 4 beautiful orchids but my eyes cheated me bcos my mind things otherwise.that is why i want to clear my doubt 2 save the cat in me!!!!!!!!!!! i thought, i am mischievious but i find killopatra much worst than i am n having better ideas by being trying to be cost effective hahahaha!!!, keep it up.i miss my good fren rasputin who's interesting n good command of english n witty comment.WHERE HAVE U LOST IN SPACE MY FREN.GET UP COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Hai Mathi,
    It is a great fun to read your,s and Naga's comments.Your point is well taken.Regarding Felicitation of our teachers, as Prabakar said it is necessary to have dean's permisson to use the premises and the auditorium, if possible.
    Proposed list of teachers to be honoured
    1.Prof. Sugumar surgery cheif, the one whose classes used to be overcrowded and cheerful ,Boys used to come to his class for a specific purpose
    2.Great MMR,as Vinod suggested
    3.Prof.Surendren,surgical gastroenterologist
    4.Prof. Bala ,Munusamy ,Medicine
    5.Viswanatha Rao
    Any other suggestions most welcome,.

  18. Is it Saliva sprayer Munus,just his presence will be electrifying.

  19. I am hugely disappointed to see that no one has recommended Professor Nagaiah, Mr. David (hostel) and Mr. Bright as guests of honour for the meeting. They were the building blocks of what we are today. We should actively seek them out if they are still alive!!!

    You should also set aside some money for Vegetable spring roll (Keerai) and theertham (old monk).

    Cant wait to meet you guys.

  20. Dear Raghu
    For Vegetable srping roll we have to go to kodai to look for man and the monkey or Bike friends of Londa(Goa).
    Regarding honouring
    Pharmac prof. Narasimhan
    Medicine Assts then Dr.Nagajothi and Dr.Veda murthy
    Dr.V Srinivasan
    ortho Dr.Thukkaram
    o and g Dr. Madhavi
    paeds Dr.Krishnakumari and Dr. Sivakami
    off course all others as you have mentioned.

  21. it is rightly said by raghu,their big people in smaller way.they should be persuade n given honour 2.but i cant understd why v need 2 set aside money 4 veg.spring rol h theertham?i strongly object 2 it bcos i dont understd what is it!!!!!!n moreover i am a nonvegetarian,only sometime i eat grass,sori no veg.spring roll n theertham-IT IS OVER MY LIFE BADDY,CHEECHEE,SORI, I MEAN MY BODY!!!!!SO U PLEASE ASK APOLOGY FROM NAGA N ASSOCIATE IF NOT I WILL COMPLAIN TO BIG BROTHER,N ASK TO GIVE U GAS IN REVERSE SITE! CAN U PLEASE INVITE MY BEST FRIEND N BUDDY= SOCIAL N PREVENTIVE MEDICINE PROF,I FORGOT HIS NAME,ASK MATHI KNOWS,HE WAS THE SUPPLIER,I WANT 2 DRINK ARAK WITH HIM N 2ND IS MICROBIOLOGIST PROF JAYALAKSHMI,WHO WILL LOAN ME MONEY IN CASE I RUN OF IT,IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE MY SPIRITUAL SANYASI STATUS!!!!!!!!w.l naga

  22. Dear Anonymous
    It was Dr.Sankaranarayanan, SPM Prof


  23. Dear Prabhakar
    It wil be doubling of work ppl sendin me d photos myself scannin and sendin it 2 jeyam. then, regarding ur suggestion that uniformity shud b maintained its a bit difficult since all d photos taken during college dayz wil b in the old format only. since jeyalakshmi has cum forward to do it wid her daughters help ppl may kindly b asked to contact her. either she can make the final powerpoint presentation with her daughters help or individuals can scan n send by email to jeyam if he is going to make the presentation.
    I'm also gettin busy with homefront as well as my doctoral work. kindly excuse me. Thanks.

  24. thanks ravi for the info.i appreciate your sharp mind n memory but for your info,i am not anonymous n i sign with love(w.l) in dont call me nadodi!!!!!JUST JOKING U GOT THE RT TO CALL THE WAY U LIKE AS LONG AS U R HAPI ,I AM HAPI
    priscilla,can c the strain of organising catching u. i think u need a break,if u c a psychiatrist 4 stress, they will think u r loose n may talk behind ur back,me 2 will b 1 of them!!.so my advise ,i post u MC,DONT TELL ANY 1,JUST PRODUCE TO HOME,WORK N ORGANISING COMMITEE N ESCAPE lah!!!!!WHAT SAY U.IS IT A GOOD SUGGESTION OR COCKOO 1.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Hi guys what about Ryan from Micro and he is only one who used to take micro classes sincerely. Prem

  26. I think our plan is to invite about 4 or 5 guests. so please conisder this. Viswanathan , please comment on this.

  27. True Prabhakar,we have just a couple of days to catch up with a lot of friends. let us not forget firstly that this is a reunion of friends. guess the last thing we all need is a very formal atmosphere and felicitations etc. Hi, to every one . have been reading the comments with a lot of interest. Magical trip down memory lane.All of a sudden, feeling truly young ,free and unburdened once again. Cant wait to see all of you once again ,after two decades nearly.

    Mathi, thanks for the e-mail. should certainly meet up for a drink in Soho soon. But guess we will do that in Chennai first.

    (Ram Kumar Rajesh)

  28. naga the above flower is not an orchid but fuchia (for once you have doubted right , and i am not surprised with your botany knowledge with all the women chasing going on your so called hiking trips)

  29. Prabhakar

    We wouldnt be what we are (in whatever way!!) without the people who had taken the effort to teach us (for the ones that chose to attend. The gathering at KMC can be used as a venue to felicitate our teachers whilst the MGM resort can remain informal. Who says our teachers cannot stay informal at the gathering?

    I would leave the choice to you. After all I could only comment or suggest. You may find them difficult to organise this anyway.

    As for as Naga (Sori puducha Kurangu), You grew up on vegetables and theertham and suddenly you are projecting a saintly image (hard to believe). FYI, Dr.Sankaranarayan is no more. He was devastated with shaping a Doctor like you, he drank himself to death. Plus the Arrack that you bought him in Kerala did not suit his liver. It was all downhill from there.

  30. Dear friends
    As prbhakar rightly mentiond it is our reunion and not felicitation so if we call few teachers who were very closely associated with us such as Viswanatha Rao, Jayalakshmi madam and Dean( for the use of premises it may be alright.
    Any comments?

  31. Hi all
    My opinion is ,we can felicitate one in the Non clinical,one in the paraclinical and probably two in the clinical side and ofcourse the present Dean. Is that fine? priscilla

  32. Ravi,Raghu,Latha,Vinod,Mathi,Karpagam,Savithri....didnt realize all you guys were so close by.We really could have met up here first for a mini reunion . indeed should try to do that in future if possible. met up with Pratap a few weeks back after several years.Had a fantastic couple of days in Wales catching up on old times.Hope you are all well.
    all good wishes.
    Ram.(Ram Kumar Rajesh)

  33. Murali,long time. You have hardly changed in the recent photograph. What theertham do you take every night to stay so young?.Some of us appear to be constantly engaged in the battle of the bulge.Any news of Krishnajee?

  34. dier Nagu swamiji,why silence? me no sleep without daily dose of ur wit and wisdom.


  35. It really has been fun reading all your comments. Could I trouble you to send some pictures to me. If you find it difficult to send in a digital format please send them as paper copies & I will do the rest. My mum has got some of the pictures at home, she would give them to Prabhu or Murali. You guys know what to do when you get them. Please keep the blog going & keep sending the photos to me. We don't have too much time left.



  36. dai machan mathi,how u read my mind,2day i went 4 800m n 5km run the peak n pick at cheek of a girl.unfortunately with my chronic inj.meniscus,i reach late only able to kiss old lady n be hapi with bir n run down back.that was fun with pain.another thing i must tell u dont like false praise,i actually dont no orchid n fuchia.i just doubted prabar without knowing why i turn out to be a gd at botany.anyway what is botany ya!!!!!!hehehe.w.l naga

  37. sori mapalai,very sori mapalai,i know only in english that spirit n grass but i dont know u r implying the same thing in tamil language.u c my friend if u r not sure,how good my command of english, u can ask prem,my health critic n my student in blog klliopatra......
    i really, i dont know that he left this world.he is 1 of the professor,i admire n remember,others i dont bother bcos their not gd enough to impart their knowledge to me bcos i was some sort of a genius,u c!!!!!!!!!!.anyway did i started doing my job of sending even at medical college.what a great doc i am ,thanks for reminding that 2 in blog so that very few people know of my expertise.keep it up my good friend raghu!!!!!!!!!!w.l naga

  38. Dear Jeyam and Manu,have you guys been in touch with the rest of the gang here?Jeyam apolopgies for the delay in responding.will try and sort something out soon.

  39. Hi Ramkumar Rajesh,,
    Good to hear from you in the blog circle! Usha & I were talking last week about exactly such a reunioin in London may be next year.So if you plan one don't forget to include us from the U.S.

    Jeyam, Do you mean digital/hard copies of recent pic.s or old ones?please clarify.

  40. Hi Kalyani,

    Nice to hear from you. We will definitely try to sort something out next year. My regards to Usha,Uma and the rest of the gang in the U.S.

    Ram Kumar Rajesh is a bit too formal. "Ram" to all of you.


  41. hahaha!!!!!!!!kiliopatra,u touch bottom of ht,i cant go any futher dont,it wont b nice bcos my ht was stolen on week day n week end ,i had trace back,i realise it is with the old lady in peak,i mention n coment 2 mathi.bad 4 me n gd u n my sis at home,i got back intact,that is why i post my comment.any thks tracing me in space known as blog!!!!!!!!hehe.w.l naga
    ram,i too stay near by uk,aroun 15 hrs flight from malaysia,if u going to mathi in soho,call me ,i to will join u!!!!!!!!just joking ya,no ht feeling

  42. The more the merrier my dear friend Naga. Most welcome. Tell us when.

  43. Hi Ram (RKR),
    Count me in too for future reunions... especially if it is going to be in UK. Since leaving Portsmouth in 1999, I have not been back there yet!
    There are 14 of you guys out there in the UK (Jeyam, Manu, Raghuram, Latha, Karpagam, Mathialagan, Prathap, Premkumar, Rajesh, RKR, Ravi, Savithri, Vinod and Ramkumar).
    See you all soon.
    Only 32 days to go for the reunion..

  44. Hey all,

    Talking of numbers...there are 20 of us here in the USA, that we know of, so far!

    JayaBalu, Kalyani, Meenakshi, Nagasubramanian, Natesh, Naznin, Nireshkumari, Prabha, Pravin, Premakumari, Premalatha, R.Radha, Ramzan, Sabina, SathyaSridevi, S.Suganthi, SyedArif, Umashankari, UshaBhargavi and myself.


  45. Naguji,Guruji,swaamiji,yeppidi??how come you go Soho without me?. me very upset and in tears.pls take me!!!How much ticket from malyaisa to Soho?
    Krying Killiopatra.

  46. Murali,

    You have gone all quiet these days!!

    Prabhakar tells me that you may have the contact details of Arjun. Can you send them to me please?


  47. Banu,wonderful to hear from you.Hope all you guys from the U.S are coming down. Thanks a ton for your active part in the reunion. Love to all the gang!!

  48. Gurji, I will even do pole dance for you. pls take me Soho.
    Kute killiopatra

  49. The photos I need are both from the college days & more recent ones. I agree with Ram, we must meet up at least once a year in uk. Perhaps its a bit late this time to meet before our reunion.

  50. Friends,

    A VERY VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE for the people travelling into chennai from abroad. The airport authorities in Chennai are using body thermal scanners to scan you. If your temperature is even a degree higher you will be sent to Thondairpet Hospital for quarantine. This measure to prevent the spread of Swine flu. Unfortunately you can't reason with the authorities.

    So here is what you need to do, take a paracetamol an hour before you land, even if you feel fine in yourself. If you travel with children do the same for your kids. DO NO TAKE ANY CHANCE. A paracetomol is not going to kill anyone, but staying in Thondairpet Hospital would not be pleasant I guess.

    Good luck to everyone


  51. Dear US guys
    We can meet up in London next year. I live in london and all others are live outside. i live close to wimbledon(5miles). i am happy to arrange here with the help of others
    Dear Ram
    We will meet up from time to time

  52. Hey Ravi,

    Good to hear u r staying right in London. So, be ready to host about 20 families from US at ur house( hope it is a big enough palace to hold all of us), since u r staying rt in London.Just so that we won't miss home cooked food!
    Just Kidding!Don't relocate to some remote suburb (some thanniyilla kaadu) for fear of the US pattalam!

  53. sorry,that was Premalatha

  54. Naga looks like you found your lost sweet heart killopatra (and she is even ready to go on the pole for you ) - i allways doubted you had some extramarital fling (is killopatra going to get your kids to the reunion ? ) now that you have found your love for gods sake GET A SHAVE before the reunion.
    ''If you love something set it free : if it comes back , it is yours ; if it does not - it was not ment for you ''

  55. Dear Premalatha
    i will try my best, the standard of food may not be the same as you appreciated in KMC canteen

  56. Ravi,
    May be we can sponsor Jeevan as the chief chef at ur house during our visit! That will save u and us!)

  57. Premalatha again.
    Sorry,I wonder why I always keep forgetting to sign at the end.

  58. Hi Premalatha
    you can visit thanni ulla kadu , I am working in Plymouth which is sorrounded by lot of lovely beaches and close to Eden project which one of the places to visit if you visit UK.
    See you all in August

  59. Hi Prem,
    Nice to see u here.
    Now, u r a God sent saviour for Ravi. Thanks. Will sure see u there sometime.
    Are u guys and girls meeting ever in UK-including Latha ,Raghu, Ravi, Ram,Rajesh,Prathab, Jeyam, etc etc?
    See U at Chennai!


    (Good job Prema, Now U r a good girl.Hurray! U signed!)
