Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year 2013 - ? Happy

No matter how the past year has been , we put on our smiley face and look forward to the New year .  The whole world shows signs of optimism and wish for better times, no mistakes of the past year and Christians wish each other,  peace on earth.

For me in the eve of 2012 it looks quite bleak and not sure if 2013 is going to be any different. Particularly the shooting of school children in Connecticut in the US and now the horrendous rape and death of the young woman in New Delhi makes me so sad and angry.

 I am with all the protesters in New Delhi and India  fighting for justice. But what good is it to the woman who died/?What good is to the parents who lost the young child? What good is it to the brother who lost his sister.



  1. Hi Prabhakar
    Thanks for your sincere efforts to keep the blog alive. I was also very distressed about the Connecticut shooting of innocent children and recent death of Amanat who was brutally gang raped.
    Still there is so much hypocrisy in 21st century where women are considered second class. I was surprised by the comments of some politicians who had asked women to stay inside after 9 PM.

    Recently my son Paul had done a project for his human rights where he prepared a campaign pack in support of Pakistani school girl Malala. She was shot by Taliban as she fought for equal education for girls. She is undergoing rehabilitation in Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

    Hello Friends
    Please support our blog and consider it as one of your resolutions to contribute to this blog. We were supposed to meet in 3 years since our last reunion. At least we should try to meet in 2014, 30 years since we started medical school.
    Wish you all a happy and blessed New Year.

  2. Dear Prem
    Thanks for the sensible comments. I think Sankara bharathi is initiating for 2014 meeting
    I wish happy new year to all our classmates and their families

  3. The year did end with some major tragic events which drastically disturbed our emotions both in the US, UK ( the paparazzi tragedy!),and of course lately our very own rape city tragedy, sorry to say that. Often times, feel like the world is becoming less human and more beastly. One can only hope and pray that all these great countries politicians should get pro-active and take New Year's resolution to wipe out these dastardly home-grown acts of stupidity and violence .

    Wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new year !
