Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pets no more

As I was working on the next blog I received an email from Prem about a study where dogs were found to detect cancer. So continuing on the same theme of finding work for our pets and pests, please read the article from The Boston Globe newspaper.

Dogs may help detect cancer of the colon

Who said we can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Japanese researchers say they’ve successfully trained an 8-year-old female black Labrador retriever to sniff out colon cancer on the breath of a patient. Published  by the digestive health journal Gut, the study adds to previous research suggesting that dogs can be useful for cancer detection. 

Studies over the past few years have shown that dogs can detect melanoma, bladder, lung, ovarian, and breast cancer, also by sniffing the breath of cancer patients.

Their amazing sense of smell allows dogs to identify chemicals that are diluted as low as a few parts per trillion. It’s why we rely on man’s best friend to sniff out bombs and drugs at airports.
In the current study, the black Lab sniffed 33 breath samples from patients with colon cancer and 132 samples from healthy controls, about half of whom had benign colon polyps. 

She correctly identified those who had cancer 91 percent of the time — correctly distinguishing between cancerous and benign polyps — and was correct in excluding healthy samples 99 percent of the time when compared with findings on a colonoscopy.

When the dog was given watery stool samples to sniff instead, she was able to find 97 percent of the cancers with the same specificity rate of 99 percent. The fecal occult blood test, another routine colon cancer screening method that checks for blood in the stool, detected about 70 percent of the cancers and had a specificity rate of 85 percent.

If you’re looking to get out of a colonoscopy, however, no such luck — at least for a while. 
There’s also the matter of training the dogs. “It may be difficult to introduce canine scent judgment into clinical practice,’’ write the study authors, led by Dr. Hideto Sonoda of Kyushu University at Fukuoka, “owing to the expense and time required for the dog trainer and for dog education.’’

End of Article

I think this  study will be a future Ig Nobel Prize recipient. The question we have to ask is what is up Pussycat? The incredibly smart cats have so far have chosen to be quiet about their talents. So what jobs do you readers think a cat can do?

Prabhakar Devavaram


  1. it is quite interesting to learn about dogs used in detecting cancer.anyway somewhere in usa, there is a cat in palliative ward ,it could detect death a day before it happen!!!!!!!!
    it looks like humans losing confident in drs n turning to animals n computers-perhaps we have lost the compassion as drs n more we are like machines, that their turning into other alternatives.
    anyway what we aspect when drs turn into floaters, hallucinators,alcoholics and materilistic.
    no offence,just a poke to c the ooz from the buzzzzzzzzther!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Nice to have naga back again in the blog!!! Dogs may replace an oncologist and rats may replace a chest physician. but no one can replace naga. Cheers. priscilla

  3. Well said Prof Priscilla about Naga.
    What about Paul the Octopus which predicted the winning team in world cup.
    Regards Prem

  4. Here in the US, they had a Chimp choose the winner of the Super Bowl( American Football Finals) and it didnt choose the eventual winner

  5. haha! thks prof for ur support. i dont know whether it is a sincere support of my gift or a poke by comparing me with animal n computer.whatever it is, i take it with sincere n open ht bcos v r nanban dahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
    well, i dont know how was ur days, past few days!but my days were hell bcos busy practically sleeping in ot, thinking that i am saving life!!!!!!!!
    TO THOSE WHO NOT AWARE, IT WAS CHINESE NEW YR HOLIDAY IN MALAYSIA!many of them enjoying their holidays but me on call almost a week attending to emergency surgery of acute complicated peritonitis in septicemia to major abdominal injuries beyond imaginable which involve the bowel,retroperitoneum n hepatobliary systems.
    it really made me think why human is so careless n dont value the life given to them n how much v can salvage or save life as a doc or as life saver?
    it is sometime better to be machine or animal involve with rx of pts bcos v dont need to worry or torture our mind of those life in our hand!!!!!!!!
    my chinese new yr wish to those who dont know-GONG XI FA CAI n have a wonderful hopping yr of rabbit!!!!!!!!! to all chinese

  6. According to Robins cancer may be due to eating of just meat alone without mixing it with any other. We all know the fondness of certain animals to meat alone. I wish surgeons like AKV should respond to Naga. MK.
