Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Meera's Charity Request - Part 2

Please read Part 1

Case 1 (photos 1 and 2)

7 year old presented following attempted care at 3 different hospitals

Presenting complaints; fever for 7 days, rash for 2 days, dyspnea and anuria for 24 hours

Above problems started following needle injury to Lateral aspect of Rt Knee

Significant findings ; Cellulitis over thigh , rash all over body, cardiovascular collapse and worsening respiratory distress.

Initial Resuscitation- Intubation, invasive monitoring,Fluid management, vasopressor support(Norad and Dopamine). Included CPR for cardiac arrest on Day 1.

Provisional diagnosis- Toxic Shock Syndrome

Subsequent course-  Debridement of cellulitis, Blood culture positive for Beta strep, Antibiotics(Ceftriaxone, Amikacin and Clindomycin),unresponsive to Steroids . Complications included ARDS (treated with ventilation for 10 days , inclusive of high frequency ventilation for 5 days), Acute renal failure (treated with SLED for 20 days).

Patient fully recovered without loss of digits, normalised renal function and was discharged after 40 days. Since the father was a driver and could not afford this care (Rs 7000/per day), Meera's team had to raise over 3 lakhs.

Case 2 (photo 3)

13 year old from TN presented with fever for 10 days, anuria and dyspnea for 24 hours

significant findings ; Shock , Respiratory  Distress, Renal failure, Hepatosplenomegaly

Course- Intubated /Ventilated with high PEEP 18 , currently 10
             Vasopressors- shock resolved
             Renal F resolved

Workup negative for cause initially, later H1N1 was confirmed. Pt did well and was discharged recently.

This pt family is from a low socioeconomic category and also under severe  financial difficulties since another sibling in the family was in an accident a year ago and is currently in a vegetative state.



  1. Commendable work Meera….Keep it up!! A worthy cause for us to work on…

    One suggestion though……. Will you be able to have collaboration with a dedicated foundation?? This will ensure sustainability in the long run… (It would be nice if we could build ours into one in the near future…but till then…)

    We have done something to that extent with our breast cancer initiatives for the rural women in coastal Karnataka…. This deals with cancer education, screening and subsequent treatment for those requiring it… …. A sizeable grant was procured from an established foundation which was matched by the university… it has been 5 years now and still going strong!!


  2. I am glad to see all the comments. I think our role in helping Meera will be realised soon. But I am sure many of our classmates are working in similar situations and would like to make a difference. Please state your case.

    Also if any one has any working realtionship with any sponsors/foundation; they could directly work with Meera .

  3. I feel that Meera has a worthy cause for us to support. When so many of us are just struggling to meet the demands of a career & family, Iam amazed by Meera's dedication. Hats off to you, Meera!

    And Prabhakar, you asked us to state our case & here Iam:
    The hospital that I work for, Texas Childrens Hospital, Houston, Tx arranges a lot of mission trips to countries all over the world for pediatric surgeries. But because of the recent recession & cutback in funding it is difficult to find sponsors. We want to arrange a trip to a place near Nagerkoil in October 2010 for cleft lip, palate & urological surgeries. Since Iam from South India, I've been approached for this; i've been told that if I could come up with a pediatric plastic surgeon/ urologist, Pediatric anesthesiologist & a couple of PACU nurses willing to give their time for about a week, it would dramatically reduce the cost of the whole mission trip. There is a hospital willing to donate the O.R & PACU for that time. So if any of you or your colleagues are interested in this please let me know.


  4. Kalyani,,,, as far as I know there are a couple of NGOs (Operation Smile, Smile train ) working for the cleft lip / palate cause all over the world and especially in India...may be you could work out something in collaboration with them.??!..


  5. Meenakshi
    I whole heartedly agree with your comments regarding challenges of the PICU work and Meera's commitment towards it.
    Paediatric intensive care is very expensive and is available only to rich and upper middle class in India. Meera is doing a humanitarian job by offering them to needy children and their families. We should definitely come forward to help her. Let us start collecting money soon.
    Prabhakar have you started the bank account for sending funds.
    Warm regards

  6. Suma,
    Yes, smile train is very active in India & we have been doing a lot of surgeries with their collaboration in the past. But this one is going to be privately funded, mailnly concentrating on pediatric general, urological & plastic procedures. So I was told that whatever manpower we could procure locally would mean that more funds would be available for equipment & surgeries. Hence my request for the time & professional skills.

  7. Kalyani,

    How many surgeons and anesthesiologist do you need? Shankara bharathi could be of help in this. I think if you email me we can take it up from there. This is workable. I will not be in India in 10/2010.


  8. Thank you Prabhakar & I will communicate to you the specific needs.


  9. Dear Meera
    Thanks for your detailed explanation on expenses. I have a suggestion add on to our contribution. To raise an amount Rs75,00,000 best suggestion is involving some of the entrataining people such as movie star etc.,

  10. dear guys n girls,
    sori 4 going in hiding from blog.
    bcos 2 busy n 2 lazy to pen 2cent worth idea.
    worried maybe scanned by fine tooth of comb by bloggers
    n fine me more worthful then meera 4 doing nothing,
    which may upset meera,
    she may give up charity n land up planting vit-p n displace raghu.(JUST JOKING,NO POKE IN HT 2 HURT)

  11. dear chics n youths,
    it is puzzling 2 realise though our batch consist of >120.
    but it is surprising to realise hardly
    <6 r charity minded and proactive.
    why most of them like to be bystander or sleeping partners.
    perhaps their fingers in mouth,i suppose!!!!!!!!!
    before me 2 become finger in mouth,
    let me wish mathi belated b'day on 14/11.
    happy n memorable b'day 2 latha on 19/11.hope raghu gets a big hole in is that thought of vit-p kept aside 4 the moment!!!!!!

    prem my dear,
    why ur sms or call dwindling,forgot ur poor buddy.

    hi,mathi u no time 2 answer ph. also,busy with water work or busy building new hse!!!!!!!!!!!!haha

    hi big bro,
    seem busy with ur social work,
    as soon u back,

    sori if i tickled somebody without my is not me but somebody naughty in side me

  12. Hello Naga
    Nice to see you back on the blog.

    Happy Birthday Mathi(14th Nov) and Latha (19th Nov). you share your birthday with the famous Nehru family - Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi.

    Congrats Raghu on becoming Clinical Director of Intensive care at prestigious Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. Well done. You will be able to offer your state of art buffalo services to more. just joking....


  13. You have forgotten Pratap Reddy's Birthday too. All bloody scorpions !!!!!

    Happy birthday to you all.



  14. hi my dear raghu,
    congrats 4 ur achievement
    i know, u very much deserve it.
    n u r very hard working,
    but pity the uk citizen.
    u going to train n supervise more buffalo anaesthesist to uk.
    keep it up raghu
    u r doing the great job,
    which i am doing here.
    only difference,i am doing with scalpel n u r doing with tube.
    the aim is same,2 reduce the population in earth
    n increase the population at heaven.
    so much similarity with diversity,
    keep it up my fren in need.
    adios amigos

    before i forget,happy bday reddy my dear

  15. Happy Bday Latha, Mathi, Pratap and Pravin-

    you guys are not just older but wiser!

    May you be blessed with many more years of good life and cheer

    And Raghu -Way to go man! you are a dark horse!
    Congrats and best wishes .


  16. Happy birthday to myself (12th) and Suma (16th) as well.


  17. ...and Gayatri Ganapathy (20th).


  18. Hang on a minute!!!

    Looks like a lot of people are scorpions from our batch. No wonder we were considered BAD !!!!!

    Happy B'day to you all.

    Thanks for all your wishes. Now I am off to the Cororner's court to explain my action.

    Nowadays even the buffalo is afraid of me!!!!



  19. Thank you all for your B'day wishes.

    Belated B'day wishes to Banu, Suma and Mathi.

    Raghu, Congrads on the CD post.

    Meera, cant wait to help you with your humanitarian crusade.

  20. Belated B'day wishes to Praveen.

  21. Hapyy bday to all our class mates this month.

  22. I have not been following the blog for a few days. Happy Birthday everyone . Expect details of OUR CHARITY BANK INFO and INFO TO CONTRIBUTE TO MEERA'S ICU FUND in the next blog posting.


  23. Happy B'day to all the scorpios of our batch!

    Congrats, Raghu, on your Clinical Director post.


  24. Happy birthday to banu, Suma, pravin, Prathap, Gayathri and any other scorpions I have left.
    Naga your bantering has made the blog alive. Keep it up.


  25. Happy Birthday to all the November people of our
    class - Banu,Suma,Latha,Gayathri, Mathi,Pratap and Pravin. Wish you all good health and happiness.

    Congrats to Raghuram .


  26. Hip Hip Hurrayyyyy!
    Way to go Raghu !
    Happy B'Day !
    To all the Scorpios !

  27. Thank you all for the wishes.... and thanks Banu for reminding them....

    Congratulations Raghu...


  28. Thanks Guys and gals for the birthday wishes,congrats to Raghu,I had not logged into blog for a while,Meera you are not only a great DOC you are a great person keep up thegood work.I am happy to help.Belated greetings to the other scorpios.

  29. Sorry. I have not been following the blog for some time. All of a sudden there seems to have been several entries.! Belated Happy Birthday to all of you! Congrats RaghuRam!
    That child,who I decided to use your funds for got shifted to the ward 2 days ago. Doing well. Cause for the pneumonia not known. Has a vascular ring. Will probably need surgery later,after the current illness is fully cured. Thanks Once again ,Prem and Raghu.Suma,we are trying to connect up with others. As you know since we are a corporate hospital,donations are not easy to come by.
