Sunday, May 31, 2009

Photo Quiz/Top 10 competition

Hello everyone,

Money has been coming in our account for the reunion. However we need everyone who have not paid to send in their contribution. During this week will list the people who have paid , once I visit the bank.

I am also inviting people to email me;  TOP TEN REASONS to attend this reunion. We will pick the best of them for the top 10 Blog in early august.  

Would like to inform you that I got in touch with Dr Kasam Maram and Dr Suresh Roy and they are both coming to the reunion. They wanted me to tell everyone to attend and they are looking forward to the event.

Now about the photo quiz. This is a photo from are recent trip to North India. I am looking for the name of the highest peak in this mountain range. Its the third highest peak in the world. Its also seen on the backside of a 100 rupee note.

Now why pictures of mangoes. Another reason to come to  Chennai for the reunion.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What the - about the deleted blog entry

After several suggestions I have deleted the blog entry about the tariff, since it had a detailed bank info. Please email me if you want details about tariff. 

Venue - MGM on EC Road on Aug 8th


For those who do not plan to stay overnight

Adult - Rs 1500/person

Child 5 - 12 yrs - 1000/person

For those who plan to stay at MGM till aug 9th

Rs 5500/adult - single occupancy

3500/adult - double occupancy

3000/adult - triple occupancy

Above 12 yrs is an adult.

For wire transfer details email me at 

For demand draft - make it in favour of "Prabhakar Devavaram"and will email my address for you to send, if you contact by email or phone.

Prabhakar Devavaram


PS - Picture of Grand sweets in Annanagar. Appam and Dosai

Friday, May 15, 2009

Keep it real(time)

I have noticed that the discussion on the comments board has been going on all the blog entries. Its difficult for us here to moderate the discussion,  especially when there are some questions for the organisers.

So please go to the most recent blog entry to continue your  comments discussion. If you have any questions email me or MP Viswanathan directly.

Yes Chennai has become hotter. It was a high of 42 C  yesterday. Thank you Al Gore.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

FAQ section- when is the money due?

I missed out on a very important detail. We have to collect this fee for participation by June 4th, 2009. Please help us in this regard. Also I will not be able to confirm your name for participation individually. Once we start receiving the demand drafts and wire transfer; will list your names via the blog.Thanks for your help.

Prabhakar Devavaram